Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How pheochromocytoma is suspected?

In the present times and for the majority of patients, pheochromocytoma becomes a concern in 3 situations: symptoms, adrenal tumor, and familial syndromes.

The symptoms of pheochromocytoma are very diverse thus pheochromocytoma has earned the name as a "master mimicker" of other diseases. The symptoms can be as simple as mild hypertension but can also be as dramatic as strokes. The unique symptoms of pheochromocytoma "spells" are not as common nowadays as described in the classic literature. The spells may be elicited by emotional stress, exertion, pressure to the abdomen, or other stimuli the patients themselves often can figure out and avoid. The spells start with a sudden sense of doom or extreme fear, accompanied with headache, heart pounding, sweating, eye sensitivity to light, and other symptoms. A spell can last a few minutes to much longer. Blood pressure is invariably increased initially during a spell but blood pressure may drop to hypotension range due to reflexes of the body. Unusual hypertension and one or more components of the spell may make the doctor suspect pheochromocytoma. Only 0.2%-2% people with these symptoms actually have pheochromocytoma while symptoms are caused by other diseases in the majority of patients.

A mass in the adrenal glands is another reason for the doctor to suspect pheochromocytoma. Up to 5% of adrenal masses are pheochromocytoma. Therefore, tests for pheochromocytoma should be performed whenever a patient is found to have an adrenal mass. Pheochromocytoma found this way can be "silent" and the patient may be even free of symptoms.

The third situation is monitoring people who are carriers for mutations that cause familial tumor syndromes. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type II (MENII), von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL), neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), and familial paraganglioma syndrome are the most common syndromes. Carriers of the mutations related to these syndromes need to be screened periodically by blood tests and imaging.

Of course a combination of any of the 3 situations can occur.


  1. Dr Pheo, you may be interested to hear that my mother (age 80) was diagnosed with pheo (CT scan confirmed, plus 13 times the normal level of adrenaline in the 24-hour urine test) after only one symptom led to her getting the investigations - passing a lot of blood in her urine. This was a one-off event and I don't even know if it was anything to do with the pheo. Once the diagnosis came in, of course, her uncontrolled high blood pressure suddenly made a lot more sense!

  2. Hematuria is a common symptom and most common causes are bladder infection or stone. Rarely hematuria is caused by bladder pheo.

    How big is the pheo on CT? Has the radiologist examined the bladder closely?

    Dr. Pheo

  3. The pheo is 5 cm on CT, and I don't know the answer to your second question - but she has a history of bladder infections. When the ultrasound was done before the CT, they definitely looked at the bladder, and it was only after failing to find anything there that they moved further up and found the mass that was then seen more clearly on CT.


  4. In that case, it is unlikely she has bladder pheo. The adrenal mass is the pheo.

    Dr. Pheo

  5. Dr. Pheo, I am glad to have discovered your blog and I find your words insightful. I have a general question for you; how has life been for people after removal of pheo? I had a pheo at 8 years old which is very rare. After removal, I had a normal active childhood. I am 26 now but at around the age of 20 I developed severe anxiety with symptoms similar to having hypoglycemia, specifically upon physical exertion or anything that causes my heart to race. I'm not sure if I've always had this and just became much more self-aware of it as I became an adult. I have had an ECG, 24hr urine, blood work, 24hr holter monitor, brain and chest ct scan, even a vascular study done. The only thing abnormal is a TSH of .17 but my T3 and T4 are normal. I have recently demanded a stress test; I am afraid to do this because it will obviously provoke my anxiety but I feel I need to show the cardiologist exactly what happens to me when this occurs. I guess I'm just curious if people who have had pheos removed continue to have palpitations, anxiety, tachycardia, or any other symptoms. I have to start becoming active like I used to be and overcome this.

  6. Dear JB,

    Thank you for your compliments. I assume that you had unilateral adrenalectomy. Patients with unilateral adrenalectomy usually compensate very well on their adrenal function.

    For patients with bilateral adrenalectomy, whether they need exogenous catecholamines is still controversial.

    In your case, pheo recurrence is obviously a concern. If recurrent pheo is ruled out, the symptoms may be related to the subclinical hyperthyroidism. I suggest that you do a test called radioactive iodine uptake and scan (RAIU + S) to see what causes your thyroid to be hyperfunctioning and get appropriate treatment. After the thyroid issue is addressed, let's see whether you still have the anxiety.

    Dr. Pheo

  7. Hi Dr. Pheo,

    My doc suspects theo based on my symptoms and an episode in his office that he monitored and am waiting for CT scan appointment, but I note that you write that an episode is marked at the "start with a sudden sense of doom or extreme fear". I do not have that experience during my episodes - does that indicate something other then pheo?

    Thanks much,

  8. Dear Scott,

    The absence of that symptom does not exclude pheo. The pheo symptoms are very variable. What I describe are the "typical" ones.

    Dr. Pheo

  9. Hi Dr Pheo-

    "Only 0.2%-2% people with these symptoms actually have pheochromocytoma while symptoms are caused by other diseases in the majority of patients."

    What other diseases could be the cause of the symptoms of pheo? I just had labs and 24 hour urine done today, but am curious what other avenues to pursue if the tests come back negative. My symptoms are miserable and I can't stand the thought of not being able to obtain a proper diagnosis.

    Thanks so much-

    1. Dear DebbieO,

      There are literally more than 30 other diseases (maybe even more) that can cause symptoms suggestive of pheo. The most common ones are sleep apnea and anxiety, in my experience.

      Dr. Pheo

  10. Dear Dr Pheo,
    I am interested in the genetic aspect of pheochromocytoma. Doing some family-tree research, I found that my maternal grandmother died at age 40 of a hypertensive event. The family lore about her indicates that she was an anxiety prone person. My mother died at age 42 also of an out of control hypertension event. My new doctor suspects that I may have a pheochromoctoma, and I am about to do the 24 hour urine test. I noted in my mother episodic "seizures" of hypertension, palpitations, anxieties etc. I am wondering if these symptoms I am currently experiencing might not be a genetic "gift" in the maternal line of the family. Can you suggest further reading on the work being done to track genetic links in pheochromocytoma?

    1. Dear Awall,

      I would suggest that you first confirm whether yo have pheo or not. Many forms of hypertension also run in the family.

      Dr. Pheo

  11. Dear Dr Pheo,

    I am in the very early stages of investigating my symptoms, blood cortisol levels came back normal so my dr says that rules out pheo? I am seeing an endocrinologist in 2 weeks but have the following symptoms:

    4/5 episodes a day of anxiety, extreme feeling of heat/sweating, hypertension at times, headaches, blurred vision, nausea, shakiness, difficulty concentrating and memory loss, hairloss, extreme food cravings, increase resting pulse rate, body temp fluctuations

    Does this give enough reason to insist on a 24 hour urine test?



    1. Dear Anxious,

      Overactive thyroid is more likely. If thyroid function is normal, pheo should be ruled out.

      Dr. Pheo

  12. Dear Dr Pheo.
    Please help, im very concerned.
    I have been visiting my GP for a while presenting initially high BP. I have had a machine for 24 hours which resulted that my overall BP was borderline hypertensive however it was spiking considerably. I was put on ramipril for 4 weeks. During my next appointment a different GP was present who rapidly took me off the ramipril, as she didnt feel that at 28 years i should be taking it. She then started telling me about pheochromocytosis and that she would like me to perform the 24 hour urine sample. I have had a history of palpitations and headaches. Do you feel she may be acting a bit irrational? I have never met this gp before and feel she could be jumping the gun

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Hypertension at age 28 does raise the question of of secondary hypertension. I think it is reasonable to rule out pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

  13. Dr. Pheo,

    I went to visit my PCP for anxiety problems (I am a MAJOR hypochondriac). Well when I went there, my BP was elevated to 140/90 and my HR was 120. I told them it was because I am terrified of doctor's and I have white coat syndrome. When I am at home, relaxed, my HR is in the 70's or 80's and my BP is usually around 115/70. She ordered me to do the 24 hour Urine test which I began this morning. This alone is causing me so much anxiety because now I am scared I have a pheo. She told me she is 99.5% sure it is anxiety, but wants to rule out a pheo before she puts me on a beta blocker. My other symptoms are: High heart rate when I am nervous, slight hand tremor, anxious/fear of me dying, and my BP rises slightly when nervous.

    Does this sound like Pheo to you? Hyperthyroidism runs in my family and I told her that and she is checking me for that too. However I have had my thyroid checked twice in the past 6 months and it's came back normal.

    What is your opinion? Please help...I am so scared!

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      It does not sound like pheo. Let's see what the urine test will show.

      Dr. Pheo

    2. Dr. Pheo,

      You were right...the results were negative! Now my doctor wants to focus on getting my heart rate down and will most likely prescribe a beta blocker.

    3. Dear Anonymous,

      Thank you for letting me know.

      Dr. Pheo

    4. Dr. Pheo,
      Please help me.
      I am 40 y/o wfm who in the past 5 years has been admitted 11 times to the hospital with bp as high as 240/120. It is refractory to baseline meds, requiring a nicardipine drip to control it. I have had a mibg that showed intense level 4 isotope uptake on both glands. One on the front, one one the back of the other on spect ct. CTA showed hyperplasia of adrenals as well as ultrasound. Labs show high epi, nor epi, dopamine, and metaphrines but because they don't "see a mass" its not a pheo. I spend two weeks in ICU when this happens. It happens every 6 months. The first time I bled in my brain.
      last doctor blamed it on cannabis.
      Help me

    5. It does not always have to be on the adrenal s. They should be checking other places such as abdomen ect.

    6. It does not always have to be on the adrenal s. They should be checking other places such as abdomen ect.

  14. Just before Christmas, I was sent to the ER with chest pain, palpitations, increased BP (190ish/110ish, if I remember correctly). I was admitted to the hospital for three days, where they did labs (all normal except a slightly low K+), an MRI and CT of the neck and head, several EKG's, an EEG, and an echo. All were normal. After discharge, I randomly experienced bouts of dizziness and heart palpitations, but nothing like the one that sent me to the hospital. About two weeks after discharge, I had one episode that almost sent me to the hospital but I rested and it eventually passed. I randomly checked my blood pressure, which was almost always normal (125-135/70-80). Again, a break which lasted a few weeks with only random dizzy spells and heart palpitations. I was seen by a cardiologist during this time (labs and arteriosclerosis check done) and everything remained normal. Out of nowhere, I experienced a spell that was just as bad, if not worse than the first. My blood pressure was 226/125. I was seen in the ER with dizziness (I also felt disconnected), increased HR (90-120's), weird tremors in legs and arms, cool feeling to entire body. I was having what I can only describe as "waves" of these things. I would feel like i was getting better and then another wave would hit. I was sent home on xanax two hours later with a bp of 180/90. By the time I made it home it was 195/105. I went to sleep (after the ativan they had given me in ER) and woke the next morning with only a slightly elevated bp, but I felt EXHAUSTED and noted that I always felt pretty worn out after these spells. The day was pretty uneventful with a few dizzy spells and bp still high. the next morning, i woke up with crazy high bp again and returned to another ER, where they placed me on lisinopril. My blood pressure has lowered some (still 140-170/80-90's) on the medication but I am extremely tired and even the slightest bit of activity sends me into a "spell". Another thing to note, is that all along, I have felt like I needed to walk around right before and during these episodes, as if I am restless. I have extreme anxiety during these spells, as well.

    I am 41 years old, normally active, normally healthy, I eat well and I am not overweight, tho I do indulge in alcohol, on occasion. I am not looking for something to be wrong (as most drs have made me feel), I do NOT want to be on medication, but I do know that something is VERY WRONG. In knowing that cardiac wise, everything is ok, I went to looking into hormonal things that could be the problem. That has led me here. Any advice would be appreciated.

  15. Dear Anonymous,

    I recommend that you do labs to see if you have pheo (plasma metanephrines) or primary hyperaldosteronism (renin and aldosterone).

    Dr. Pheo

  16. Dear Dr. Pheo,

    I am a 22 year old female. I am seeing an endocrinologist in a few days time. I was sent by a hematologist who found I had polycythemia (I have a slightly raised hematocrit level while having very depleted serum iron levels.). After taking my blood pressure and getting a reading of 155/110 with a fluctuating rate of around120 he suspected an endocrinological issue. Graves disease runs in my family so we ruled out that first. I have had many tests for Graves disease in the last 6 years as it is often noted I have tachycardia and occasional raised Bp. All tests for Graves disease have been negative.

    The primary reason for my visits to my GP have been right sided abdominal pain. The pain is sometimes very sharp and other times it is dull, like I've been kicked in the back. The pain can last anywhere between a second (when sharp) to many days, I have time between these episodes of pain with no pain. We have found that these episodes of pain are often accompanied by hematuria and hematuria but no white cells and tests for infection have all come back negative. During these times of pain I always have tachycardia and high Bp. My kidney function is normal. I have had ultrasounds of the kidneys and they have come back normal. I have also had an ultrasound of my gallbladder to look for gallstones as a possible cause of pain, also came back normal and no stones present. Over the last few years I have begun to have increasing hot flushes (at least once a week now) and more and more headaches. I have a headache every other day and sometimes for days in a row. They are very painful and throbbing headaches. I also seem to get blood sugar dips very fast after eating which will sometimes push me into a hot flush episode as well. I almost always have some feeling of nausea but its intensity fluctuates and does sometimes cause me to vomit. I have lost my appetite for food but still make myself eat. Over the last few years I have lost about a stone and am now classed as underweight despite my efforts to put on weight. I get lightheaded and lose my vision for a moment after rising from lying down or sitting, this has also become more frequent in the last few years, this used to only happen after getting too hot whilst lying down. Lastly it may be useful to know that I have been asked to keep a diary of my blood pressure readings and they seem to fluctuate from low (seems to coincide with extreme fatigue) - 95/52, to high, especially when I'm having a hot flush - 155/110. I always take these readings in the same way and make sure I feel as calm as possible before taking the reading.

    My brother is also undergoing investigation for a large mass on his leg- I mention this in case there is some possible genetic link to my possibility of having a tumor.

    I'm quite surprised we are investigating for a tumor, especially as it is so rare and I have had ultrasounds of the right side of my abdomen previously (when not looking for a tumor however). Are my symptoms consistent with a pheo? To me they dont seem as extreme as the symptoms described in a classic pheo case. I am especially interested to know if my right sided pain could be consistent with a pheo?

    Your insights would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

    1. sorry *fluctuating heart rate of around 120

    2. Dear Anonymous,

      I do think it is worthwhile to test for pheo. Ultrasound often misses adrenal tumors. The right flank pain with hematuria may suggest kidney stones. The diagnosis of your brother's leg tumor will also yield insights into your condition.

      Dr. Pheo

  17. Hi Dr. Pheo,

    I have a history of health issues that make me not able to work or do ordinary things like shop. I get lightheaded when standing and have been found to have POTS(postural orthostatic tachycardia), which to me just means something is causing it. I have been worked up in the early years(8 years ago) due to this, with also having had catecholamines tested, along with all the other endocrine labs, too. After watching all this a few years and everything normal, I haven't had any more cats tested. I just want to mention I have a history of hypoglycemia, so I'm very familiar with the adrenaline release from my lows. Anyway, a few years ago I had what seemed to be my usual lows, but at the same time, I had a strong urgency to urinate(and releasing at the same time my bladder was way full). I would grab a glucose tablet and head to the bathroom at the same time. This has happened over and over during the last year or more. I've finally taken a split second to test my glucose and it is mostly normal. After voiding, that adrenaline feeling goes away over a few minutes. I do NOT get a headache during that time, but I've also "lost" the ability to have a headache, as I noticed the couple of time I gave up caffeine cold-turkey and did not get my usual headache. I now get up twice a night to void so that I don't get the rush that would keep me awake for hours. I have not mentioned to my doctor, as I've had so many things already looked at over the years. What else could cause an adrenaline release due to a very full bladder if not a pheo?

  18. I'm sorry...where I said "...and releasing at the same time..." should be "...and realizing at the same...".

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Your symptoms are suggestive of micturition syncope, which is in line of POTS. Both are disorders of the sympathetic system. You may want to see a neurologist or cardiologist who specializes in sympathetic system disorders.

      Dr. Pheo

    2. Thank you for the reply. I will bring it up next time I have either of those specialist appointments. Can I ask what are some possible diagnoses of sympathetic system disorders? I've had a lot of things checked over the years, but still no closer to actually having a primary cause and then some kind of treatment(prescription, etc.). I guess I'm asking point-blank, what should these physicians be actually working me up for?

    3. Dear Anonymous,

      The specifics of the sympathetic disorders are beyond my expertise. They are usually diagnosed by cardiologists or neurologists.

      Dr. Pheo

  19. I have had flank pain (constant ache or throb) for the past 4 hrs. In one yr I was diagnosed with Graves multi-Nodular goiter and had a total thyroidectomy. I still wasn't feeling well and was diagnosed with severe gluten insensitivity, I then had steohepatitus and mono. I am a 54 yr old female and only had a sinus infection for 10 hrs before this. I know I have a pheo. It starts for me withba severe headache, my blood pressure spikes and I am then soaking wet (especially hair and face) by this time I go for a bed or recliner with very rapid heart rate worse than when I had Graves. My hands tremor and my face is white when it happens. Physical movement especially to my abdomen starts this. My Dr.said that because it is rare I wouldn't have it. He ordered the 24 hr pheo urine but not the blood test? I heard that the test will be negative unless I had an attack while doing it and I haven't. All thyroid levels and kidney function is normal. I also have had Cushing symptoms for one yr and we have thought it to be exogenous from long standing steroid hay fever shots. Cortisol has tested low and cushings not improved since stopping steroids. Now that we have done process of elimination with illness I have been able to separate and figure out pheo symptoms. Want to do imaging that would rule out pheo anywhere in body and would also show adrenal adenoma should I have endogenous cushings. What imaging should I do? Thank-you!

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      The 24-hour urine metanephrines test is as good as the plasma metanephrines test. Both do not require having an attack during sample collection. Do you have the results of the urine metanephrines?

      Dr. Pheo

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi Dr.Pheo
    For the past six years I have been having symptoms. Six years ago if not more I have been experiencing severe night sweats where I would be soaked and dripping with sweat. For the past 3 years my symptoms include rshes or waves of a cool intense feeling throughout my body then the tachycardia, weakness, shakiness, flushed feeling, difficulty breathing, dizziness and blurred vision. I have had heart work up (ecg, 2 holt monitors, 14 day loop, echo, stress test), saw a gastro (colonoscopy/endoscopy), hematologist (high wbc count), neurologist (mri of brain due to headaches and spine- tarlov cysts), gynecologist (abdominal pain and nausea -30 pound weight loss) endocrinologist (thyroid ultrasound, cortisol high in pm). Checked for paraneoplastic syndrome, rheumatoid diseases... Does this sound like pheo? Endo sending me for 24 hour urine test.

  21. Hey doc....all started about 3 months ago...had sudden extremely rapid heart rate while at the movies...very pale...took to er and did standard heart workup blood draws ekg etc....doc said i was fine. A few weeks after I started having random attacks where I would be calm...not worried or thinking about anything....all the sudden I could feel pounding heart.. then rapid heart rate. Bp would shoot through the roof and would get very bad adrenaline shakes after it was over....I'm talking full body like I was being electrocuted shakes....this happened on and off for a few weeks...saw GP. Did blood. Gave me xanax. Still happening...but not as frequent. ...i was going through some trying times emotionally with family issues etc. Then one night last week I had 8 in a row...same signs and symptoms...break...more intense...shorter break...more intense...until I hd to again go to the er...where they just took bp and heart rate 150 over 90 and hr 122 ( my normal resting is 110 over 55 and hr around 55-low 60s). The did nothing...not even hook me up to ekg ma chine until an hour after I was there....gave me an ativan and sent me on my way....i sweat ( hands feet underarms anytime I am not at my house....i know this sounds like social or gad) in the past two weeks I have gotten maybe a few ml nights of sleep an hour...talked to a doctor I know at work one morning after not sleeping for a week and still wide awake at 6 am. Took a xanax he prescribed and woke up an hour later. Have lost 14 pounds in about 2 months. Don't have an increase in appetite. ..may be due to benzo I have been on and off of daily for the past month and a half. Have had thyroid checked and was told it is ok. Went to and endocrinologist and did chromogranin testosterone cortisol and adrenaline bloodwork....waiting on labs to get back. I've been written of as another anxiety patient by 3 doctors now....i did have anxiety attacks 12 yeas ago after being in a car accident and it's was nothing compared to what these attacks are like....i literally feel like they are going to kill me instead of ( fearing something is wrong ) like an anxiety attack. Symptoms are 10 times as harsh.....thoughts?? Thanks for your time -jared

    1. Dear Jared,

      Sorry for the late response. I have been away from the blog due to the holidays. Pheo is a real concern. Let's see the test results.

      Dr. Pheo

  22. Hi Dr. Pheo, About 3 years ago I developed high blood pressure and tachycardia out of nowhere that fluctuates. Since then I have also developed permanent facial flushing, telangiectasia, livedo reticularis, excessive sweating & shortness of breath especially on excersion, headaches, extreme fatigue, periodic insomnia, muscle weakness, tremors, joint and muscle pain and diagnosed with adult onset ADHD & anxiety. I have had elevated WBC-neutrophils for at least 3 years which prompted my new PCP to refer me to a Hematologist/Oncologist. She (hematologist) has done tons of blood work as well as a bone marrow biopsy trying to figure out what's going on with me. She ordered a CT scan of my liver and spleen because of the telangiectasia and found a tumor on my left adrenal gland (Radiology report: nodular thickening of the left adrenal gland, could potentially be due to adenomatous change and enlarged thickened axillary lymph nodes-mammogram negative for breast cancer). She said this could possibly be what is causing all my signs & symptoms and ordered 24 hour urinalysis, MRI which was done this past Friday 12/12/14 to get a better look and has referred me to an Endocrinologist. I have been telling doctors for over 2 years that something is wrong with me but I kept getting blown off and offered antidepressants. I am so grateful for my Hematologist/Oncologist, she knew right away something was wrong with me and told me that she thought everything that is going on with me was from one source. She is the best doctor I have ever been to in my whole life and I'm 42 years old. She mentioned pheochromocytoma but said it's been a long time since she's dealt with the endocrine system that she wasn't sure what to look for. I am waiting for the MRI results and to hear from the Endocrinologist about scheduling an appointment. I have continued to decline over the past couple of years and ended up losing my job due to all this. I was healthy and hardly ever got sick before all this started. I was just wanting to know if you think we are on the right track with what's going on with me? Thank you for your time, Sarah

    1. Dear Sarah,

      I agree that pheo should be tested. Let's wait and see the test results. The left adrenal gland nodularity is not a specific finding, though.

      Dr. Pheo

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank you for replying Dr. Pheo! The results from the MRI says fullness of the medial limb of the left adrenal gland, and lateral limb nodule measuring 0.8 × 1 cm that does not show clear chemical shift and is isointense, T2 and after contrast shows homogeneous enhansement but no clear washout. Urine analysis shows elevated metanephrines and creatinine. I forgot to mention in my initial post that about a year and a half ago during some kind of episode I went into the ER and they thought I possibly had or was having a heart attack so they did a CT Scan & ECG which showed sinus tachycardia, also I had an MRI of my brain a year ago due to some neurological symptoms which showed lesions in the periventricular and subcortical areas with a patchy one in the pons. The Neurologist said they weren't in typical areas for MS. Would brain lesions fit in anywhere with all this or would it be a total separate issue? Also my Hematologist/Oncologist thinks I might have PNH. Thank you for any information you may have, Sarah

    5. Dear Sarah,

      The extent of urine metanephrines elevation is very important. Can you provide the specific values and normal reference ranges?

      Dr. Pheo

    6. Hi Dr. Pheo, I had an appointment with UW's Endocrinology clinic and I will post the lab results & notes from that appointment - removed names.

      12/5 Labs, OSH                                                                     Ref Range

      Total metanephrines, 24hr urine                0.817 (H)         0.140-0.785

      Norepinephrine, 24hr urine             97 (H)              12-86

      Epinephrine, 24hr urine                                  7                      2-24

      Dopamine, 24hr urine                                     338                  88-420

      Total Free catecholamines, 24hr ur               104                  14-110

      VMA, 24hr urine                                              2.3                   1.5-7.0                         


      Free cortisol, 24hr urine                                 10.3                 <46

      Cortisol/Cr, 24hr urine                        5.87                 <24 ug/g cr

      Creatinine, 24hr urine                                  1755 (H)          


      Hx of leukocytosis

      Hx of folate deficiency

      Livedo reticularis and sores on back.  Vasculitis and cryoglobulinemia w/u negative

      Concern for PNH

      Family History:

      Father deceased, HTN, CHF, lung cancer

      Mother alive, well

      Grandparents deceased

      Brother with hypertension, tachycardia,

      12/5 Labs, OSH                                                                     Ref Range

      Total metanephrines, 24hr urine                0.817 (H)         0.140-0.785

      Norepinephrine, 24hr urine             97 (H)              12-86

      Epinephrine, 24hr urine                                  7                      2-24

      Dopamine, 24hr urine                                     338                  88-420

      Total Free catecholamines, 24hr ur               104                  14-110

      VMA, 24hr urine                                              2.3                   1.5-7.0                         


      Free cortisol, 24hr urine                                 10.3                 <46

      Cortisol/Cr, 24hr urine                        5.87                 <24 ug/g cr

      Creatinine, 24hr urine                                  1755 (H)          700-1600

      11/2014 TSH                                                   1.37                 0.5 - 5


      I saw the patient with Dr., attending physician, for problem focused visit.

      # HTN, palpitations, L adrenal mass on MRI:

      Sx suggestive of etiologies including pheochromocytoma, Cushing's, hyperthyroidism, or iatrogenic medication effect from Adderall XR.  Family hx of HTN in father and brother, as well as tachydardia in brother.  1cm L adrenal mass on MRI is reportedly isodense with surrounding adrenal (less likely adenoma, more concern for pheo), but no quantitative measure of density recorded.  24hr urine metanephrines and norepinephrine slightly elevated and urine cortisol normal.  Takes Adderall, which can falsely elevate metanephrine results.

      - review CT-abd/pelvis and MRI findings with Radiology

      - stop Adderall x1 week, then:

      - collect plasma metanephrines after 1wk off Adderall (1/12/2014)

      - consider interval f/u for adrenal mass in 6 months, will schedule after plasma metanephrines have resulted.

      - f/u in Endocrine clinic in 2-3 weeks with Dr.

      Attending: M.D.

      I saw and evaluated the patient with this resident.

      I was present with the resident during the history and exam. 

      I discussed the case with the resident, and have reviewed the resident's note.  I agree with the findings and plan as documented in the resident's note.

      Have concerns for pheo despite the borderline urine results - imaging is suggestive, and will review.

      If we r/o pheo, need to screen for hyperaldo

  23. I've had a very hard time the past year and a half dealing with symptoms that may be related to a pheo, but have been ruled out by an endocrinologist last year after doing a 24hr urinalysis. I can be sitting in my chair at work talking to someone and all of a sudden I get an extreme sense of lightheadedness, or anxiousness that makes me want to stand up and walk away and get out of the situation I'm in and feel better. Almost like I'm on the verge of getting dizzy, but not quite there yet. I remember waking up one morning and turning my head to look out the window and getting dizzy. I figured it was vertigo which I've had before. Ever since that day, it's been an absolute struggle. That was almost 2 years ago. Some days I wake up feeling ok, others not so much. In the last week, I've had two "episodes" where I was talking to someone in my office and out of nowhere I felt anxious, dizzy, lightheaded and felt shaky and needed to leave for a minute to gain my composure. Almost to the point of feeling like I was going to pass out. I'm on blood pressure medicine and from all my doctor's visits, they've told me by BP is ok. High when I get to the doctor, but after being there for a few min, it's normal again. When I had my 24hr urinalysis, my dopamine levels were the only thing elevated. Norepinephrine levels were at 86 with a standard range of 15-100, Epininephrine levels were at 6 with a standard range of 2-24 and my Dopamine level was at 839 with a standard range of 52-480. The Endocrinologist said unless my other levels were spiked and my dopamine was much much higher, he said there was no reason to suspect a tumor. I'm so tired of these episodes. I feel horrible for weeks after they happen and then once I feel like I'm starting to feel better, wham...it happens again and I feel bad again for a while.

    1. Dear Mikey,

      I agree with your endocrinologist that pheo is unlikely. The next step depends on the nature of the most bothering symptom. If vertigo is the main issue, then check with a neurologist. If lightheadedness is the main issue, then see a cardiologist.

      Dr. Pheo

  24. Hi Dr. Pheo, I had an appointment with UW's Endocrinology clinic and I will post the lab results & notes from that appointment - removed names.

    12/5 Labs, OSH                                                                     Ref Range

    Total metanephrines, 24hr urine                0.817 (H)         0.140-0.785

    Norepinephrine, 24hr urine             97 (H)              12-86

    Epinephrine, 24hr urine                                  7                      2-24

    Dopamine, 24hr urine                                     338                  88-420

    Total Free catecholamines, 24hr ur               104                  14-110

    VMA, 24hr urine                                              2.3                   1.5-7.0                         


    Free cortisol, 24hr urine                                 10.3                 <46

    Cortisol/Cr, 24hr urine                        5.87                 <24 ug/g cr

    Creatinine, 24hr urine                                  1755 (H)          


    Hx of leukocytosis

    Hx of folate deficiency

    Livedo reticularis and sores on back.  Vasculitis and cryoglobulinemia w/u negative

    Concern for PNH

    Family History:

    Father deceased, HTN, CHF, lung cancer

    Mother alive, well

    Grandparents deceased

    Brother with hypertension, tachycardia,

    12/5 Labs, OSH                                                                     Ref Range

    Total metanephrines, 24hr urine                0.817 (H)         0.140-0.785

    Norepinephrine, 24hr urine             97 (H)              12-86

    Epinephrine, 24hr urine                                  7                      2-24

    Dopamine, 24hr urine                                     338                  88-420

    Total Free catecholamines, 24hr ur               104                  14-110

    VMA, 24hr urine                                              2.3                   1.5-7.0                         


    Free cortisol, 24hr urine                                 10.3                 <46

    Cortisol/Cr, 24hr urine                        5.87                 <24 ug/g cr

    Creatinine, 24hr urine                                  1755 (H)          700-1600

    11/2014 TSH                                                   1.37                 0.5 - 5


    I saw the patient with Dr., attending physician, for problem focused visit.

    # HTN, palpitations, L adrenal mass on MRI:

    Sx suggestive of etiologies including pheochromocytoma, Cushing's, hyperthyroidism, or iatrogenic medication effect from Adderall XR.  Family hx of HTN in father and brother, as well as tachydardia in brother.  1cm L adrenal mass on MRI is reportedly isodense with surrounding adrenal (less likely adenoma, more concern for pheo), but no quantitative measure of density recorded.  24hr urine metanephrines and norepinephrine slightly elevated and urine cortisol normal.  Takes Adderall, which can falsely elevate metanephrine results.

    - review CT-abd/pelvis and MRI findings with Radiology

    - stop Adderall x1 week, then:

    - collect plasma metanephrines after 1wk off Adderall (1/12/2014)

    - consider interval f/u for adrenal mass in 6 months, will schedule after plasma metanephrines have resulted.

    - f/u in Endocrine clinic in 2-3 weeks with Dr.

    Attending: M.D.

    I saw and evaluated the patient with this resident.

    I was present with the resident during the history and exam. 

    I discussed the case with the resident, and have reviewed the resident's note.  I agree with the findings and plan as documented in the resident's note.

    Have concerns for pheo despite the borderline urine results - imaging is suggestive, and will review.

    If we r/o pheo, need to screen for hyperaldo

    1. I posted under wrong reply sorry

  25. Hi Dr. Pheo. I am an otherwise healthy 40 year old female but for the last 3 months I have been experiencing terrifying palpitations and adrenaline surges, hot and cold flashes, anxiety and tremor. It has brought me to the emergency room twice thinking that I was dying. All of my symptoms fit right in with the description of a pheochromocytoma. The problem is I was tested for one 2 years ago after a couple of panic attacks and 2 24 hour urine tests came back negative (the first one was slightly elevated above normal so I did a second one). Is it possible that I developed one in the past 2 years and would it be useful to test again orisit unlikely a pheochromocytoma?

    1. I wanted to add that I have had several ecgs, a stress test, and a 24 hour holter monitor to rule out cardiac problems. Regularly occuring chest pains as well.

    2. Dear Heather,

      If you had normal pheo test results 2 years ago, the likelihood of your having developed a pheo now is small. On the other hand, since your heart exams are all normal, it is probably worthwhile to rule out pheo one more time.

      Dr. Pheo

  26. Hello Dr. Pheo! I Just found your blog! Wish id have found this years ago! My husband and I have been together Since april of 2005. He will be 29 this year, and I always wonder about this when he has what I call an "attack". He has always said he has never felt normal, including his childhood. Often has anxiety, and has never been a people person really. He can be weirdly moody. In August of 2009, his dad was diagnosed with malignant pheo, rapidly declined, and passed in November, just over 2 months later. My husband witnessed all too much of his dads decline before he passed, more than any 23 year old ever imagines handling. After this, my husband ended up seeing a phycologist and was put on xanax, vyvanse, and abilify. They didnt help, but he stayed on them for 2 years. He hasnt been on anything since late 2011, and just this week is on "attack" #2. The 1st one was Monday Feb 1st, and didnt really end until late Wednesday Feb 3rd. it started at work, around 1pm. Suddenly feels awful, headache, chills, nausea. He says theyre just migraines, but i always wonder. Today around the same time it happened again, although ths 1st symptom this time was blurred vision and he couldnt really see. He has been in bed since again, ocassionally running the to bathroom for nausea. He looks pale, very glassy eyes, and just sounds like he is in agony until he manages to fall alsleep for awhile. No pain meds really do any good, aleve, migraine meds, aspirin, none really work. How does he for about getting this looked into, without a dr thinking he is crazy? Or is this ide really crazy? I think he is now beginning to wonder about the possibility of pheo as i have been for years.

    1. Dear Mandy,

      Since his dad had pheo, the likelihood of his having pheo is higher. I would test him for pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

  27. Dr Pheo....please help.
    my husband has always had excessive sweating but generally very healthy and active.
    He has has bleeding from the back passage for approx 1 year along with loose stool. Bright red blood and have always put this down to piles. In October we were on holiday, the day after a night out drinking ( he never drinks) in the evening he had severe abdominal pain....after 2 trips to A&E we went to the gp who suggested gallstones.
    He did bloods with low iron, low vit D. Bloods indicate Anemia and he has now been check for Thalassemia...came back negative.
    he was refered for suspected Bowel Cancer or Crohns.
    he has had a colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Capsule Endoscopy, ultra sound of kidneys liver gallbladder.
    His symptoms seem to get worse. He now has pressure pain in centre of chest...pain is there constant but changes with the severity of the pressure. He has had an echo stress test...all good other than tenderness reported in the chest.
    he has had an abdominal ct and ct or Adrenal glands...all clear.
    he now has problem urinating and there was blood in urine....cystoscopy normal...no strictures etc.
    2 consultants have mentioned Theo....prob is tests are not shoing it.
    he has done 3 24 hour uriine tests all normal....he had bloods which showed raised noradrenaline at nearly double range.....he has had an episode of what seemed like a stroke but after 30 mins all he was left with sitting in A&E was a slightly high blood pressure which returned to normal.
    He can not lift baby more than 5 mins because causes chest pressure to worsen. Help...he keeps having episodes of sweating and head pain. He can not sleep anymore and his legs and left arm keepgoing numb.

  28. Dr Pheo....please help.
    my husband has always had excessive sweating but generally very healthy and active.
    He has has bleeding from the back passage for approx 1 year along with loose stool. Bright red blood and have always put this down to piles. In October we were on holiday, the day after a night out drinking ( he never drinks) in the evening he had severe abdominal pain....after 2 trips to A&E we went to the gp who suggested gallstones.
    He did bloods with low iron, low vit D. Bloods indicate Anemia and he has now been check for Thalassemia...came back negative.
    he was refered for suspected Bowel Cancer or Crohns.
    he has had a colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Capsule Endoscopy, ultra sound of kidneys liver gallbladder.
    His symptoms seem to get worse. He now has pressure pain in centre of chest...pain is there constant but changes with the severity of the pressure. He has had an echo stress test...all good other than tenderness reported in the chest.
    he has had an abdominal ct and ct or Adrenal glands...all clear.
    he now has problem urinating and there was blood in urine....cystoscopy normal...no strictures etc.
    2 consultants have mentioned Theo....prob is tests are not shoing it.
    he has done 3 24 hour uriine tests all normal....he had bloods which showed raised noradrenaline at nearly double range.....he has had an episode of what seemed like a stroke but after 30 mins all he was left with sitting in A&E was a slightly high blood pressure which returned to normal.
    He can not lift baby more than 5 mins because causes chest pressure to worsen. Help...he keeps having episodes of sweating and head pain. He can not sleep anymore and his legs and left arm keepgoing numb.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Pheo is unlikely with negative urine tests. Mildly elevated blood norepinephrine (noradrenaline) levels alone are common during stress.

      Dr. Pheo

  29. My thyroid lab levels also look perfect, so we know that isn't my problem.

  30. Can you have a normal VMA and still have a pheo if the 24 urine test was done three weeks after an attack?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      If VMA is normal, pheo is still possible but not likely.

      Dr. Pheo

  31. Hi Dr. Pheo,

    I am a 39 year old female. About a year ago, I started getting very dizzy and had complete syncope twice but have had near-syncope many times. During these phases, I have incredible heart palpitations suddenly (and now have them nearly every day for periods of time.) I also have had odd blood pressure readings. Sometimes they are 110/70 and other times they sky rocket up to 150/110 or above. I have been having workups done for my heart (which is in perfect condition); but they are thinking perhaps I am having an electrical issue with it (for that I have an implanted loop recorder).

    My concern is that I feel something is being missed. I have never had a 24 hour urine, nor has anyone ever mentioned such a thing to me, the focus has always been directly to my heart because I have a prolonged QT interval on EKG repeatedly as well as some repolarization abnormalities in leads V2 and V3 and left axis deviation.

    I have had 2 blood tests in the past year to rule out thyroid issues (TSH is normal).

    CMP shows: BUN=LOW (7); Chloride=HIGH (113); C02=LOW (23); Anion Gap=LOW (3)

    Running list of my most odd symptoms:

    Heart palpitations, flip flopping sensation
    Sinus Tachycardia
    Spiking blood pressure readings (all over the place)
    Short of breath (breathlessness during slightest exertion)
    Chest pressure, pain
    Joint Pain (this is a new thing that has been occurring in the past few months)
    Weight gain (inability to lose weight, gained about 15 lbs this past year, mostly in my chest/abdomen/face – very odd for me)
    Frequent diarrhea & constipation
    Vision issues
    Extreme pressure headaches (which it is fair to state that I do have a pineal gland cyst; however, I have been told for years that none of my headaches or neurological issues are related to the cyst)
    Flank pain (occasional, sudden, severe, but short-lasting)

    Do you think it is fair for me to ask my primary care physician to do a 24-hour urine to test for pheo or is that skipping to far-fetched conclusions?

  32. Dear Anonymous,

    I agree that pheo is a suspicion. Plasma metanephrines are the best test for that.

    Dr. Pheo

    1. Dear Dr. Pheo,

      In reply to the message posted above on August 5, 2015 by Anonymous (me). I had both blood labs drawn by one of your recommended physicians, here are the results:

      Catecholamine Fract, Free, P:
      Norepinephrine 541 pg/ml (700-750)
      Epinephrine <25 pg/ml (<111)
      Dopamine 13 pg/ml (<30)

      Metanephrines, Fract., Free, P:
      Normetanephrine, Free *1.0 nmol/L (<0.90)
      Metanephrine, Free <0.20 nmol/L (<0.50)

      The only thing that was higher than the reference range was the Normetanephrine, Free. I am not sure what this means.

      I do not take any medications (or any of the things on the lab test website that can interfere with these tests).

      I think I could read all day and all night and not understand the meaning of these tests, what the "normal" population has for results and what my results mean in comparison to the "normal" population.

      All I know is that day in and out my blood pressure, breathing and heartbeat are erratic and in general I feel like a bus ran me over nearly 24/7. I would just like to feel better and for someone to take notice.

      I have yet to hear back from the ordering physician on his input on these results. I had Mayo Clinic fax me my results.

      Any input you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you,

  33. Dear Anonymous,

    Pheo is unlikely. Other causes of your symptoms should be sought after

    Dr. Pheo

  34. Husband developed orthostatic hyptension routinely 70/50, With occasional spikes of about 160/135, over past 6 weeks. Signs of occasional hypotension over past few years, but not diagnosed. Now experiencing nausea immediately after eating. Thyroid test normal range with meds, triple bypass 10 years ago, with 3 stents since, and normal heart cath last month. History of kidney stones, with increased output of twice a month over last 8 months. Only lipitor and thyroid Meds for several years. has echo scheduled tomorrow and primary care next week. 62 years old, lost 15 pounds through exercise and diet over 3 months. We are very confused...endocrine, heart, kidney, Neuro?? Can you suggest tests or labs and give any thoughts for direction?

    1. Dear Meandmyhouse,

      I would start with cardiology work-up first.

      Dr. Pheo

  35. I have all symptoms of Pheo but negative test results. The only thing that was high was the serum dopamine ref range 20 < my level was 116. What else could it be?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      This can be due to medication interference. If your epinephrine and norepinephrine levels are completely normal, the elevated dopamine is unlikely due to a tumor.

      Dr. Pheo

  36. Dr. Pheo

    Im happy I found your article in the internet I don't know much about PCC I would like to know more about this disease I started going to the hospital when I started experincing elevated tachycardias after exercing or I would be exercing and my heart rate would be elevated with minimal exertion sometimes I feel very well sometimes I feel terrible I experince hot flashes since I was 18 now Im 22 and I would also sweat alot people would ask me why I would sweat alot growing up I didnt have no anxiety at all I started expierincing social anxiety like two years ago but the only symptons I had was when 17 free some anxiety I wpuld just sweat alot and have hot flashes my skin tone changed alot I was a lighter person tpo I have alot of headaches and Im diabetic but well controlled but experince few hypos a day I have normal sinus tachycardias of 110 to 130 when sitting not everyday though I have high Irregular blood pressure when sitting and It changed alot alpt my urine free cortisol was 114 when It should be between 40-60 they did free plasma testing In the blood too and they said It was borderline high but I dont know the number my blood pressure Is always high sometimes Its like 160 over 90 my blood pressure changes alot when Jst sitting or moving lots of headaches and just feeling terrible some of my blood test like the free plasma was not done correctly at the right timing but it still came out high I just dnt kno the numbers I only know my urine cortisol is 114 when it shud be 60 my free plasma bloof test was not done at the right time but they said it was only a little bit elevated on of them I dnt kno when I get excited my blood pressure gets scary high

  37. Dear jesusgonzales,

    Would you list the results and normal reference range of the tests?

    Dr. Pheo

  38. Dear Dr. Pheo,
    I have a number of weird symptoms that started suddenly 8 months ago. I feel an abnormal sensation in the abdomen and at the back of the neck, both similar in quality: It's not pain but feels like I'm being pumped of adrenaline. I also recently developed I also developed an elevated blood pressure at that time. It was consistent with hypertension on all individual readings but a 24 ambulatory monitor showed a pre-hypertension 138/89. Most recently I started having headaches, and I also have burning at the back of my neck periodically. I was initially anxious over about the unexplained physical symptoms but called down over the time, however I can still experience intense unpleasant feelings during "an episode" even if I'm not thinking about anything. These symptoms can also be triggered by exercise. I feel that food can be of some relief in alleviating their severity but not always. I had all kinds of tests done (bloodwork, ECG, Echo, Doppler ultrasound for kidney function) and all came back normal. I did the 24 hour urinalysis for pheo which came back normal as well, the test procedures were followed rigorously (acidified container, cooled down in a dark place) is there any way that the test was a false negative or does it mean that I have anxiety? I saw a psychiatrist and she did not think I was particularly anxious, she sent me to further investigate physiological causes and now I'm being scheduled for a head MRI. I'm very frustrated because these symptoms are debilitating and prevent me from doing most things I used to enjoy in life. I would appreciate your opinion, and advice if there's any reason to reevaluate, or use a different test for pheo. Thanks!

    1. Dear Ian,

      Pheo can be ruled out now. Only when the clinical suspicion is very high, may you need to repeat the pheo test.

      Dr. Pheo

  39. Dear Dr. Pheo:
    Last week I went to the dentist. I have an epinephran sensitivity, yet the dentist gave me lidocaine with epi in it. At his table I became very symptomatic and by the next morning I went to the er. My BP was 145/95 and pulse was 135. When I was laying in the ER my BP was good at 110/60 and heart rate between 67-75, but when they stood or sat me up both my bp and heart rate went back up and heart rate to the 120-130 range. As a young adult 10 -15 years ago I used to have tachycardic episodes out of nowhere and somewhat often with all tests coming back normal, but then began to faint because my BP would drop too low, which was confirmed with a positive tilt table test. I was also diagnosed with gastroparesis in 2003 as well. Could all of this add up to a pheo?

    any insight would be great.

    1. Dear Erica,

      If pheo has not been tested before, it would be prudent to test it once.

      Dr. Pheo

  40. Hello Dr Pheo,

    I had a blood test yesterday and I start my 24 hour urine test tomorrow morning.

    I have all the textbook symptoms but also one of my main 'ailments' is a problem with balance at times. I don't think its dizzyness and things don't move or spin.. I feel like I've got out of a boat and still need to find my land legs.
    Have any of your patients reported this?

    Also, this is just a question to satisfy my curiosity ...Why do you discard your first wee of the day and not count that when doing the 24 hour urine test?

    Thank you in advance Dr Pheo

    1. Dear Pippa,

      Balance is unusual but can happen.

      The practice of dumping the first voiding is just for making sure 24-hour urine is collected. Remember you should count the first voiding at the end of 24 hours.

      Dr. Pheo

  41. Yep.. I did it as per instructions.

    Just need to wait now I guess.......

  42. About a month ago after not feeling well for a week I went to my PCP for a check up. My blood work showed that my hematocrit was elevated (about 17.5) which he attributed to my TRT. My estrogen was also very high (85.) Doc pulled me off of TRT immediately. Subsequently I had spells of faintness and ever increasing anxiety. Off to the psychiatrist I went. Put on celexa for anxiety. Been on it for almost a month. Still having bouts of anxiety and some faintness now and again. Every medical person attributes it to anxiety/panic, but the oddest symptom is that the anxiety increases to intolerable shortly after eating! Sometimes I feel like there are surges of adrenaline running thru me. The only thing that helps is Benadryl which calms me down to tolerable levels. I reran this thru my mind numerous times...... could it be the abrupt withdrawal of TRT and fluctating hormones causing my anxiety or posssibly pheochromocytoma? MY BP has always been borderline. Been to cardiologist as well structurally and all he did was up my Atenolol to 50 mg daily. I'm at wits end. Some parts of the day I feel fine, then boom anxiety thru the roof. Lessening bouts of faintness these days but I know the anxiety symptoms after eating are not normal. BP usually around 14/90. HR around 90. Symptoms started around mid-December 2015 up and to present. Should I investigate further>

    1. Dear Frank,

      Fluctuating testosterone levels can cause similar symptoms. You may want to see how you feel after the doses are stabilized.

      Dr. Pheo

  43. Hi Dr. Pheo? I am awaiting blood work results for a possible pheo. The 3 classic symptoms I have are headaches, sweating, and rapid heartbeat during my spells. They last from 1-4 hours. I had radiation 15 years ago to the colon site and I'm wondering if that could've affected my adrenal gland. Does hair loss and gastroparesis have anything to do with a pheo? Thanks so much.

  44. Dear Christine,

    Your 3 classic symptoms are suggestive of pheo.

    Dr. Pheo

  45. Dr Pheo.two years ago out of blue,i got a huge adrenaline rush,followed by flushing,my face,ears neck with extreme hot flash feeing with sweating.it happens aboit twenty times a day for last two years, an adrenaline weird rush ALWAYS followed by hotflash,i can tell whdn rush is coming cause i get awfully weak,feel sick like do i have to eat feeling,the entire episode takes aboit eightnminutes then im complrtly back to mormal unti the next hour when it hits again this goes on all day all night i demsnded this mot nlown off as a "hotflash".so they ordered a renial scan with nuvlear tracer and a thyroid scan would the renal scan diagnoise an adrenal tumor if had one.what is best test for pheo.

  46. Dear Anonymous,

    Plasma (24-hour urine) metanephrines are the best test for pheo.

    Dr. Pheo

  47. Dr Pheo
    I have read a few blogs studies from doctors stating that to get a accurate result of 24 hour urine test and bloodwork is to do 3 consecutive test . That not all pheo or paras produce hormone all the time. Is this true? I have had the test and they came back negative. I was frist told that I have a 4cm kidney cyst on my left kidney found through ultra sound. Went to a Uro doc and he was 95.5% I had a pheo.with all my symptoms And reviewing the ct scan also. He said that the cyat was infact a tumor in my adrenal gland and was hidden by my spleen and pressing ontop of my kidney.I did the blood work, 24 hr urine and MRI. All came back negative. The MRI states that I have a accessory spleen and that my left adrenal gland is displaced without a tumor. I have had severe anxiety heart pal. Evaluated blood pressure, muscle weakness, sweating, headaches with light sensitivity, dull to sharp pain in my left side and upper stomach. I wake up during the night sweating with racing heart. I also get dizzy spells on and of all day. There are days were I feel like I can not get a good enough breath. I do take a very low dose of xanax For the anexity. Can a pheo be mistaken by an accessory spleen. Could I have a para?

    Thank you for you help!!

  48. Dear Anonymous,

    If metanephrines are measured, you don't have to measure many times to confirm or rule out pheo. With your multiple normal test results, you unlikely have pheo.

    Dr. Pheo

    1. There are several cases and papers publishing how there are several patients with pheochromocytomas with normal metanephrine and normetanephrine results. For peace of mind a second opinion on the CT or MRI would be best to completely rule our a Pheo. If it does end up being anxiety or something else, at least you can start treating that.

    2. Dear Anonymous,

      Those pheos with normal marker levels are exceedingly rare and do not cause typical pheo symptoms. Rather they present as a mass. Ironically when one has pheo symptoms, normal marker levels indeed rule out pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

  49. Hi I have have had uncontrollable high blood pressure which all started after after I gave gave birth (I did have pre-eclampsia while pregnant) suffered a two seizures(months after giving birth), headaches all the time normally on my right temple, then my high blood pressure disappeared and came came came back,they did blood work(for the 2nd time first time it was as high but was high) for the two hormones and the Net was in the 723 the Met was 141. I'm always cold and anxiety is so bad. I'm sure there's stuff I'm forgetting but my kidney specialist seems to want to want so long to see if i have this when I read the symptoms I have quite a few and I just want to be tested. I can tell somethings wrong with my body I'm 30.

  50. Dear Brittney,

    Please list the specific test results and reference ranges.

    Dr. Pheo

    1. Metanephrine was:
      141 pg/mL
      Reference range:
      0 pg/mL-62 pg/mL

      Normetanephrine was:
      723 pg/mL
      Reference range:
      0 pg/mL-145 pg/mL

    2. Metanephrine was:
      141 pg/mL
      Reference range:
      0 pg/mL-62 pg/mL

      Normetanephrine was:
      723 pg/mL
      Reference range:
      0 pg/mL-145 pg/mL

    3. Dear Brittney,

      With these results, pheo is very probable. I would suggest abdominal CT or MRI.

      Dr. Pheo

    4. One more question can Pheochromocytoma mess with a women's menstrual cycle?


    5. Dear Brittney,

      I am not aware of clear description of menstrual irregularities in women with pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

    6. Ok ty I went and seen a specialist and he ran a bunch of test 8 viles of blood and he thought there might be something wrong with my thyroid but that test came back fine. The only test that came back abnormal was the one with the two hormones for the tumor, I'm on amitriptyline so he's asked me to stop that cause it could cause a false positive so I have but I have about 4 -5 positive test for this hormone and I'm getting frustrated how many positive test do they need before they just check for it. I have to go see him so he can do a fine niddle aspiration on the thyroid on my neck on the 28th. I wanna throw my hands up and give up somethings wrong with me started when I gave birth and my body has never been the same sense. I'm feeling hopeless :(

      thank you for your time Dr.Pheo

    7. Dear Brittney,

      Sorry to hear this. Again abdominal CT or MRI is the most important next step.

      Dr. Pheo

  51. I hadn't had an episode in 2 months when my doctor ordered my plasma free metanephrine test. Metanephrine was normal, My Normetanephrine came back .98 (ref .2-.9) slightly high.
    Still, my body's weird. I was having thyroid problems for 8 years before my TSH was abnormal for the right appointment. My lab fluctuations have been dramatic, from TSH 400, two days later TSH 240, to a month or two later, normal TSH of 2. I've been euthyroid for 2 yrs, and all labs are normal. I have overly sympathetic symptoms that are sporadic, have had surges which my doctor considers may be episodes. And now he is ordering the 24hr urine test. I've fainted 3 xs in the last 4 years and have had episodes of heart palpitations/panic attack like/about to pass out feelings. I thought they were cytokine surges or I was about to have thyroid storm bc of my thyroid problems but those are resolved now, so Idk what this is. I even when to a psych to rule out anxiety, but that's not it either. Nothing triggers these attacks but i think maybe warm showers or working out does make me feel mini attacks. They real attacks last less than a minute. Once it was 4 minutes, fainted 3xs. What I find weird is when I have physiological flushing, like from a warm shower, my face is fine and normal, but I only have right sided body flushing for a few minutes. Everything else is health wise fine labs wise. Ruled out any other autoimmune, I'm euthyroid, no anxiety except during brief episodes where I feel like I'm going to die, normotensive. Ironically, an old co worker just got emergency surgery for a removal of a pheo and his labs weren't indicative of a pheo.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      You need to discuss your condition directly with a physician experienced in diagnosing your symptoms. I don't have the expertise.

      Dr. Pheo

  52. Hello Dr Pheo my daughter is 14 and has nf1. About a yr ago she started having these weird episodes where she would get very hot and seem just freaked out. These episodes come and go. She had slight tremors in her hands and slightly elevated BP as well as heart rate. A Pheo was suspected and a blood test was done, results were normal. In November she began having many more symptoms. She began vomiting everyday. Usually first thing in the morning. She has very bad headaches, noticeable paleness more so in the mornings. Low grade temp. Palpitations in her throat. She has had a complete GI workup, all normal and labs have only showed significant vitamin d deficiency. She had an endoscopy but had an esophageal spasm and stopped breathing so they couldn't complete it. She also has a 2.9 cm intra-thoracic mass which is suspected to be on her vagus nerve. Some of her Dr's think this is the problem some do not. I would like to know if a Pheo was present could symptoms be worse in the morning? Thank you in advance for your time.

    1. Dear Tammy,

      If the blood test was metanephrines, normal result usually rule out pheo. I am not aware any circadian rhythm of pheo attacks.

      Dr. Pheo

  53. Hi Dr. Pheo,

    You are a God sent, I am a 27 year old male white Hispanic, about 2.5 years ago I experienced my first "attack" in the train but did not think much about it I felt very warm and very scared, another one follow after. On sept. 2015 I had my worst "attack" which was when I was in the elliptical machine my heart rate was 150 and spiked to 180, right before it spiked I felt a "oh sh@t!" Kind of feeling like something wasn't right I ended up in ER, they suspected SVT, I went to a cardiologist and had ecg, echo, stress test and everything was fine in March 2016. So Anxiety was diagnosed. However, I am no longer able to go to the gym without my HR going through the roof and with a simple 40 min walk my HR reaches
    143 I've been having a lot of more frequent "attacks" I have all the symptoms of Pheo but the headaches (maybe I have one or two that last a couple of seconds or
    minutes) I was infor a routine check up with my
    cardiologist where he picked up high blood pressure on my ecg so now I am on Cardizem I am constantly burping when these attacks happen and my palms sweat a lot I have the sense of fair and doom my BP has been up to 190/100 once and the time I've been to ER it has been around 170/100. I'm starting my Urine test tomorrow and my blood tests on Monday. My blood chemistry seems fine except for Urea and Creatine which are really low (not sure what that means). What are your thoughts on my case?

  54. If I can add I always had a high HR and been very active and healthy but in the last 8 Months seems like I'm in a downwards spiral.

    1. Dear Jose,

      Your symptoms are suggestive of pheo. You need to measure plasma metanephrines.

      Dr. Pheo

  55. Hi, I have so many symptoms and also have hashimotos, which has now been treated and I'm within range. However I just wanted to ask whether my most horrible symptom and one which hasn't changed with thyroid meds is something that could indicate pheo please? I get constant adrenaline spikes which are really painful, like electric shocks, I feel them in my face now, but they used to be my heart and head. It is literally happening all day. The last few weeks I have also been sweating all the time and feeling boiling hot but my temperature when I test it is normal? Thank you for your time

    1. Just wondering if you saw this message please?

    2. Just wondering if you saw this message please?

    3. Dear Anon,

      Sorry for missing this question. You can rule out pheo by plasma metanephrines test.

      Dr. Pheo

  56. Hi, for the past 4 months have started suffering from severe headaches at the back of my head intensifying with coughs or sneezes. My ears buzzing and my blood pressure is between 97 to 107 with high pulse rates over 100. Did a 24 hour urine test and my VMA came 10 times as much. Did an adrenal MRI and nothing found in the adrenals. What can it be ? Can MRI miss ?


    1. Dear Unknown,

      The bladder, some retroperitoneal space, and the heart are not visualized by abdominal MRI but those places can have functional paraganglioma (like pheo). Further imaging is needed.

      Dr. Pheo

  57. Doctor,
    I consider myself blessed to have found your blog.
    My mother now aged 60 has been suffering from a problem which comprises episodic sweating, hot flush, palpitation and weakness since 1996.
    Many doctors in India were consulted including ayurveda and naturopathy but no treatment brought any relief.
    She was diagnosed with non obstructive coronary artery disease in 2013, and hypertension long back.
    She is also suffering from insomnia because of that weird problem i mentioned at the outset as it wakes her up even while she is asleep.
    Kindly help doctor.


  58. Dear Rishi,

    Pheo should be tested by measuring pheo markers.

    Dr. Pheo

  59. Hi Dr Pheo,

    I'm 46 and was healthy and had great blood pressure until about three years ago when I started getting really sick and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me and it ended up what they thought was a dead gallbladder. It was removed and I had a really tough recovery because I had a lot of panic attacks while I was trying to be diagnosed and so the panic attacks then still came after removal .
    I got those under control about a year later and off and on when my stomach is acting up I get a little anxious but no attacks.
    Recently I was leaning over in my living room and I got dizzy and that sent me into a panic attack is what I'm assuming . I didn't take my blood pressure because I've never had blood pressure issues and I walked it off in about an hour later I was feeling better .
    Fast-forward a week well Wednesday I ended up in the emergency room because my blood pressure was over 200 and this came after I was in bed trying to fall asleep and I kept jerking awake and then when I finally woke up I felt A rush of heat come over me and then my heart started racing really fast . I went to the emergency room and they gave me blood pressure medicine as well as Benadryl and that brought my blood pressure down to 135 .
    I saw my doctor Friday and they put me on blood pressure medicine because my blood pressure was still up in the doctors office but my heart rate was low . I was feeling very anxious when I got there and just had a feeling of being unwell and slightly nauseous .
    My doctor brought up the fact that there was a rare condition with your adrenal gland so I had her look at my CT scan that I had in 2015 and I have a benign Tumor of 1.1x1.7cm on my gland.
    The surges that I'm having at times I know it's a panic attack out of worried but like tonight I was falling asleep and all of a sudden a heat wave came over me and then my heart started racing really fast .
    Mind you I have really bad reflux and I've never really gotten over a feeling like something was pulling on my sternum and the belt was tied around my waist since gallbladder removed .
    I have never had these feelings of doom and gloom even when I was having panic attacks before .
    Should I be tested? I've lost 5 lbs in 5 days from nuesea!
    Your thoughts?

    1. I'm now dealing with heart flip flops and "waves" of anxiety trying to fall asleep. This comes out of no where and makes my stomach feel like it's being shoved up in my chest. Ct scan and barium swallows show no hernia. I was thinking because it feels like something is stuck in the bottom of my esophagus all the time that I possibly had a hernia but they say they don't see one through imaging Or endoscope.
      I just woke to major flip flopping and a surge of heat and now I'm nauseous .
      I can be standing somewhere sitting somewhere in these waves will come over me out of nowhere .
      I posted above that I've never had blood pressure issues . Normally 124-134/78-80
      Been in the 170 and over 200.
      This is all just come on in the last week although I've dealt with digestive issues for over three years .

    2. Dear Debbie,

      It is a good idea for you to test for pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

    3. You are so kind to respond.
      Since I left this message I have tested with a urine test and nothing showed up and I'm also doing a lot better and come to find out that was probably panic disorder brought on by Being awaken in the middle of the night to not being able to breathe which was probably bought on by PTSD in a panic attack.

    4. Also.... they ended up doing another CT scan w/ contrast and there was nothing on the scan on my adrenal glands.
      My blood pressure has also been great as long as I'm not panicking.

    5. Dear Debbie,

      Thank you for sharing. It is great to learn that you are doing well.

      Dr. Pheo

  60. I had a adrenelectomy to remove a pheo 14 months ago. Mets were excellent after surgery. Very low. Now they are on the higher side but not quite over reference range. I have had several high BPS noted at doctors in the past month as well has I have noticed having several heart palpitations, shortness of breath as well as headaches starting again. I shook off the symptoms until I saw the met plasma results are elevated. Should I be concerned. I found results on lab report that was flagged. I just had blood work 3 days ago.

  61. Dear Anonymous,

    The abnormal results should be taken seriously. Depending on how high they are, you may need to do imaging as well.

    Dr. Pheo

  62. Dr Pheo,

    I started having episodes with Pheo symptoms (racing heart, chest pain particularly around sternum, blood pressure very high or very low, extreme shortness of breath, dizziness, extremely pale face) when playing basketball or exercising a year and a half ago. Thought i was out of shape so I just pushed myself until i couldn't anymore and the "hangover" from episodes lasted sometimes weeks. Now happening without exertion triggers. I've lost about 20 lbs without trying and lose appetite when episodes occur.

    Had full cardio check out and my heart and arteries are fine. Sonogram of upper abdomen didn't find anything. Dr ordered "Full blood work up" and nothing unusual. Had episode at dr office recently and he observed me and thinks it's panic disorder. Would sonogram and a full blood work up rule out Pheo or do you think I should specifically ask that Pheo be explored.

    Also I've had pancreatitis and strong family history of pancreatic cancer.

    Thank you

  63. Dr Pheo,

    I started having episodes with Pheo symptoms (racing heart, chest pain particularly around sternum, blood pressure very high or very low, extreme shortness of breath, dizziness, extremely pale face) when playing basketball or exercising a year and a half ago. Thought i was out of shape so I just pushed myself until i couldn't anymore and the "hangover" from episodes lasted sometimes weeks. Now happening without exertion triggers. I've lost about 20 lbs without trying and lose appetite when episodes occur.

    Had full cardio check out and my heart and arteries are fine. Sonogram of upper abdomen didn't find anything. Dr ordered "Full blood work up" and nothing unusual. Had episode at dr office recently and he observed me and thinks it's panic disorder. Would sonogram and a full blood work up rule out Pheo or do you think I should specifically ask that Pheo be explored.

    Also I've had pancreatitis and strong family history of pancreatic cancer.

    Thank you

  64. Dear Roger,

    You can simply do a plasma metanephrines test to get an idea if you have pheo. The existing tests do not give information on pheo.

    Dr Pheo

  65. Dear Dr Pheo,

    I wonder if you can help me. I am a female in my late 20's and for several years I have experienced mild symptoms that I always ignored and thought were anxiety (palpitations, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, feeling faint and tiredness). However lately these symptoms have got worse, particularly when I exercise. On a hill climb I done in new Zealand last year I had to keep stopping due to an incredibly fast heart rate, head ache, flutters in my chest, shortness of breath. I have had to leave exercise classes and do not attend anymore as I have felt similar. I have had to modify my exercise alot to feel 'normal'. Even then I still experience symptoms like blurry vision, palpitations, and getting hot and sweaty very quickly. I also notice my symtoms are worse after meals or hot drinks, after having a wash or when I am worried. I can no longer drink alcohol due to exacerbating my symtoms. A few times I have had episodes while lying in bed at night and no matter what I try (deep breathing, relaxation) I cant get my heart rate down.

    I have other symptoms too.. severe constipation and reflux (I now follow a low fodmap diet which helps alot), dry mouth and horrible bad breath (dentist says my mouth is fine), dry eyes, noticeable tenderness in my stomach when laying on my front or in standing, tenderness in my throat on palpation, a restrictive feeling in my throat when my head is neutral and jaw back which is relieved when I bring my head and jaw forwards) cold sweaty hands and feet, back and neck stiffness which lasts most of the day and gets better with exercise, frequent urination, difficulty sleeping at night and vivid dreams and costrocondritis.

    After giving blood in 2014 I had to take 3 weeks off work with similar symtoms described above but exacerbated. I felt so unwell I visited A and E. My bloods were all normal. I haven't given blood again since! Drs said it's because I am tall and slim and had no other explanation.

    I have had another episode more recently where I visited A and E as I felt very unwell with chest pain, headache, tachycardia, and my blood pressure was 150/90 (normally around 100 systolic) I assumed this was white coat effect! Again bloods were all normal and I was sent home. I had to take a week off work.

    After very frustrating visits to the gp where they say my symtoms are normal or anxiety related, I found the PoTS society website. I have completed several lying standing tests on myself which all show stable blood pressure (around 100-106 systolic) with a pulse that elevates consistently by 30 or more on standing. I asked the drs to refer me to a cardiologist who has special interest in PoTS who I am waiting to see in January. They are also doing the basic bloods again which I await results of.

    It may be worth adding my ECG is normal. 24 hr tape normal (but shows tachycardia throughout) and Echo normal. My stomach and oesophagus are normal on endoscopy. H pylori was negative. Negative for celiacs. Negative inflammatory markers last year. Since everything always comes back negative, despite the way I feel, I feel constantly disbelieved. Being a physio I have good awareness of the body and have explored the possibility of anxiety over the years however recently although I appreciate it can contribute to symtoms, I don't think it's the cause and certainly doesn't explain why I am so symptomatic on exercising.

    I would really appreciate your thoughts on the above. Many thanks.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Your symptoms are not specific but can be related to pheo. I would suggest testing plasma metanephrines.

      Dr. Pheo

    2. Hello, thank you so much for your advice and for helping others on your blog. For completeness I wanted to let you know I have now been diagnosed with ehlers danlos syndrome and Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
      Many thanks again.

  66. Dr Pheo,

    Thank you for your time and patience spent in addressing the general public's questions and attempting to help people gratis. It's both impressive and appreciated.

    My info and question:
    •I'm 39, M, h/w proportionate, and exercise regularly.
    •I've been experiencing a number of "symptoms" for years, which have been getting progressively more intense.
    •I'm extremely hesitant to express them to a physician, as were I a physician, I'd quite possibly think myself crazy or a hypochondriac. I’ve tried a couple of times: they run a basic battery of tests and say “everything appears normal.”•I’d like to know if any of the following “symptoms” would merit a plasma-free metanephrines test.

    •When I lie down in bed at night, and am exhausted, I often sweat/flush for a few minutes, and then find myself absolutely incapable of sleep--as if I’d just had a massive amount of caffeine. It’s seems the act of going horizontal that does it.
    •I suffer episodes of numbness and tingling in my neck, fingers, and lips--now on a daily basis. They also come with a high-pitched ringing in my ears, photosensitivity, and greatly increased salivation (to put it mildly). I cannot discern a constant or a trigger for them happening. They can be triggered by food (especially orange juice, pickled things, and cheeses), they can be (but often aren’t) triggered by stress, or they can be triggered by *absolutely* nothing at all. I’m fairly impaired when this occurs; that is, it makes work extremely difficult, concentration/memory access/focus a near impossibility, and driving a bit scary.
    •I don’t digest things well; that is, food doesn’t move through me very well and am often constipated.
    •I can no longer sleep for more than 4hrs per night (I’ve had an overnight sleep apnea exam years ago; it’s not something I suffer from). I wake a bit exhausted, but am utterly unable to rest. I don’t think about things or get nervous and then suffer symptoms, rather, it usually feels like I’ve been given a stimulant of some sort, then my heart beats a bit intensely, and there’s no way to slow my body down. Once an episode occurs, anxiety ensues.
    •I have often have hand tremors, and a few times a week a large number of muscles in my body feel like you do when doing intense stretching; that is, the pain you feel when really stretching out--but it happens all over.
    •I can’t handle caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine is *incredibly* potent to me in tiny amounts, and alcohol makes my episodes much worse and much more frequent a few hours after drinking.
    •Over the last few years, the newest item I’ve noted is that if I apply pressure above or to the left of my right hip or something presses/is pressing on it, I feel a wave of what I only describe as an intoxication of sorts. It doesn’t feel stressful or like my heart is beating quicker: it’s exactly the opposite. It feels like everything in my body slows down on a massive scale and I become a bit lightheaded. It is utterly bizarre and I’ve no way to properly express the feeling it triggers.
    •I take no medications, and lead a very healthy lifestyle as compared to most Americans.

    Anyhow, I could write more, but your blog only has so much space.

    So, in your option, are any of these things consistent with pheochromocytoma or meriting of a plasma-free metanephrines test? I’d thought maybe yes, but at the same time noted the following:

    •I almost *never* have headaches; that is, they’re an extreme rarity for me
    •I don’t suffer from hypertension. Though my BP varies more than a bit, my systolic has never been over 150. I do exercise a bit and am an avid cyclist, but it was my understanding one of the main features of pheo was high bp.

    Regardless, know that both your time and insight are greatly appreciated. Please accept a preemptive thank you for your time and consideration.



    1. Dear Eric,

      Your symptoms are not typical for pheo. I suggest that you first determine which one of the many symptoms is most troublesome for you and ask your doctor to focus on that symptom.

      Dr. Pheo

  67. Hi Dr. PHEO are you still on this site? May I ask a few questions?

  68. Yes but I cannot promise that I will answer your questions soon enough. Dr. Pheo

  69. I have an adrenal mass found last year 2.0 x 1.4 cm now grown to 2.3 x 2.2 cm. I started having severe fatigue 6 months ago and then had some sort of crash...low blood sugars and waking up with burts of high blood pressure and lower back pain/ also pain near adrenal area and i would be drenched and then it would pass. As months went by i would end up back in the hospital with severe lower back flank pain severe hunger and what almost looked like an adrenal crisis but my cortisol is not low its rather high. 6 months later and im now having pisode crushing chest pain a still episodes of severe fatigue but blood pressure is low. Everything is worse during luteal phase of cycle. They checked for Pheo but said I dont have it. Im scared and dont know what to do :(

    1. Dear Private,

      What are the imaging characteristics? For example, what is the CT attenuation and does it enhance with contrast?

      Dr. Pheo

    2. All it says on the CT is the size of the adenoma and that the remainder of the upper abdomen is unremarkable allowing for lack of IV contrast.

      Also want to add that my libido is THROUGH the ROOF and the chest pain is just getting worse. The flank pain is so bad and I'm losing alot of weight. I cant handle many carbs either as I get bad palpitations.

    3. Also want to add I thought I had a few adrenal crisis ...crushing chest pain and piercing lower back pain and flank pain but again my cortisol levels arent low. Could be elevated due to low carb diet...but I doubt it would elevate it that much. I had a saliva test and my morning is high and then also elevated in the evening. I look like I have Addisons...nothing makes any sense :(

    4. Dear Anonymous,

      It seems that the CT scan suggests your adrenal tumor is an adenoma. In that case, pheo is unlikely.

      Dr. Pheo

    5. I can feel pain and a weird fluttering feeling on the right side where the adenoma is. I think it may be functioning and its grown so removal might be best thing for me.

  70. Hi there. I am having tests for Pheo this week. I am 45 yo female in good health. In shape and not overweight. Symptoms started with left-sided flank pain two years ago along after an episode of shingles. CT scan showed nothing also had my first colonoscopy which was all clear. Flank pain has continued although six months ago I started having what felt like hot flashes where my face feel super hot although it's not red or sweaty and I also get a severe headache and tremor and nausea almost like I have hypoglycemia. Tylenol does not get rid of the headache. Sometimes these episodes last 5 to 6 hours and sometimes a whole day. Saw my gynecologist who insist these episodes are not menopausal hot flashes. I do know that during the episodes I feel so incredibly ill and feel like I'm having a panic attack which I've never had in my whole life. I have always had very low blood pressure my whole life like 90\60 but during these episodes my pressure is high. I have a history of Graves with episodes of hyperthyroidism which has been in remission for years. Although these attacks do not feel like the hyperthyroidism. Saw my Endo and levels fine. Do you think this sounds like pheo? Thank you for your time.

    1. Sorry forgot to add that during the episodes my heart rate goes up almost like when I had hyperthyroidism. I can't seem to get it down and I can tell it's not from anxiety. It does eventually go back to normal when the episode ends though.

    2. Dear Andrea,

      You should rule out pheo by plasma metanephrines.

      Dr. Pheo

  71. Dr pheo,
    I hope you can help me. This all started 5 years ago 2 days after Christmas. I have felt bad all night but didn't have a fever and wasn't throwing up so I just carried on. I was walking through my living room and I knew I had to lie down so I did and I had a seizure. I had bled into my brain and my blood pressure was 240 over 120 I carry a diagnosis vascular ehlers-danlos so they attributed my blood pressure to the bleed and I went home after a week and my blood pressure was normal. 6 months later I wake up feeling terrible all I want to do is lie down and I remember feeling this way the last time my blood pressure was high so I go to the hospital and sure enough it's 200 over 140. I'm admitted to the ICU and the same thing plays out every 6 months. And I am serious. Every 6 months. I wake up feeling terrible my blood pressure is out of control and I wind up in the hospital on a cardene drip. Previous Labs have showed High aldosterone High epinephrine High norepinephrine High dopamine and hi meta friends specifically catecholamines three times the normal range.mibg results intents level 4 isotope uptake front of one gland back of the other. CT angiogram chode bilateral adrenal hyperplasia ultrasound showed left adrenal hyperplasia. So if it's not a pheo, what is it? I have 3 weeks until my 6 months is up. I am raising a grand baby and she needs me

  72. Also doctor has blamed this on my cannabis use. I can find no info that it causes uncontrollable htn. I am a daily user. But this happens every 6 months. In June my heart rate was 170 and I had a pericardial effusion along with htn and my potassium drops into the mid 2's (like 2.5 and I talk crazy) and I have to full on pee. This sounds like a problem with my renin aldosterone angiostien system. I can't get anyone to fix this. In between my pressure is 90/60 with no meds. I don't smoke cigarettes and I never drink. Renal artery stenosis has been ruled out.

  73. That's 11 admissions lasting two weeks in 5 years.

  74. Just wanting to clarify: 11 admissions over the past 5 years each lasting about two weeks. Aldosterone 30.7 said to be secondary because of my kidney labs.

    1. Dear Kathy,

      It is unlikely that you have pheo. You can read my post on adrenal medullary hyperplasia.

      Dr. Pheo

  75. Dear Unknown,

    Pheo is a concern. Let's wait and see the urine test results.

    Dr. Pheo

  76. Dear Dr Pheo
    I too am at wits end. I have an adrenal adenoma discovered in 2008. For the past several years I am having the typical spells, excessive sweating, increased bp and heart rate, headaches. I have just completed work up for pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma and the scans came back negative, so the dr ruled these out. However, my repeated blood tests, 24 urine tests, chlonidin suppression test all are positive for excessive chatechalomines. My life has become so affected by this and I'm so disheartened to not have a diagnosis. The specialist doesn't know what to do next and this from a renowned hospital. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  77. I was now told during a recent CT scan that it could be a myelolipoma... I am still having severe flank pain, unstable blood sugar, piercing lower back pain, chest pain, and severe fatigue. Not sure what to do ��

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      What are your plasma metanephrine levels (and please let me know the reference range as well)?

      Dr. Pheo

    2. The plasma metanephrine test has not come back yet and was told thr urine metanephrines is a bit elevated but was given no referance range for that.

    3. Seems like the plasma metanephrines is normal. I still have severe flank pain and chest pain and the fatigue and weakness is terrible. I fear for my life right now as I am not getting proper help ��

    4. Dear Anonymous,

      If your plasma metanephrine levels are normal, pheo is unlikely.

      Dr. Pheo

  78. Dr. Pheo,
    In April 2016 had began having severe sudden onset of headache with high blood pressure. My blood pressure I know was much higher than 200/80. I normally have no blood pressure problems. I thought I was having an aneurysm or stroke. I had one of these headaches every morning upon waking and upon urinating first thing in the morning for the next 14 days. I went to ER 4 times, they found nothing. Four weeks later an MRI was done that reflected that I had an empty sella and osmotic pontine myelinolyis. I have been to the eye doctor and there is a small amount of inflammation to the optic nerve in my left eye. I have had some issues with my vision. I continue to have headaches and pressure in my head daily. I also continue to have a swooshing sound on occasion in my head. I have never had blood pressure problems. I recently had a cat scan and a 8mm adrenal adenoma was found on my left adrenal gland. The 24 hour urine metanepherine test came back approximately at 900. The blood test was negative. However this test was done in October 2016. I have a thyroid nodular goiter but all levels are normal . All pituitary levels are normal.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Pheo is unlikely.

      Dr. Pheo

    2. DR Pheo Thank you for your reply. Any idea of what is causing my issues?

    3. Sorry it is beyond my expertise.

      Dr. Pheo

  79. Hi Dr. Pheo,

    First of all, I want to express my appreciation for your willingness to share your time and expertise.

    I'm currently waiting for an appointment with an endocrinologist, and want to run my symptoms by you. I am a 27 year old female with a healthy history and a very happy life, but I am troubled by some life changing symptoms. I am a mystery to all my drs, but one of them believes I should be checked for pheochromocytoma. Nothing stands out in my CBC and thyroid blood work. Looking back, my initial symptoms began ten years ago when I began having mild episodes of erythromelalgia-like flare ups in my feet and fatigue (I attributed this to a PDA that was discovered and repaired at age 22). Unfortunately, things have gotten progressively worse. I have received diagnoses of POTS and erythromelalgia...thus far.

    I have a ton of symptoms...I'll start with symptoms involving my head and go down.
    I have daily, mild headaches and head pressure, light sensitivity, runny nose. I experience awful head rushes almost every time I get up, especially after being in a squat or crouched position (I've blacked out before from this sensation) no OH suspected. I often feel lightheaded and faint. I have a feeling of throat tightness, neck/back of head/shoulder aches, chest aches and occasional costochondritis. I have tachycardia (mostly upon standing, POTS) and my hr is all over the place (resting around 60). I often feel a heavy pulse throughout my body. I have low blood pressure around 90/57 (however, it was markedly high for me while the drs office once...140/90). 48 hr holter monitor showed inappropriate sinus tachycardia, normal ekg, normal echo (dilated ivc). I experience off and on mild nausea can ruin my appetite (I am thin and currently lighter than I was in high school). I have a frequent need to urinate. My hands often have a fine tremor which is especially bad after exercising. My hands and feet have "flare ups" when they get bright red, hot/sweaty (feeling and to the touch), feel tight, achy and my veins bulge (suspected erythromelalgia) My lower legs sometimes have similar issues...sometimes my knees as well. I experience Raynaud's phenomenon in some of my fingers in the cold. I have parethesias in both my hands and feet. They are often either freezing cold or overheating. I occasionally experience night sweats. My symptoms are worse in the heat, humidity, showers, and during/after exercise. I am uncharacteristically jumpy and easily scared/fight or flight feeling. It feels like I get a rush of adrenaline even when I feel calm mentally. Little things strangely set me off. I have given up alcohol because it makes everything worse. I wake up tired every morning and feel fatigued most of the day. Everything worsened significantly after I had my first baby in 2015.

    I am not satisfied with simply a diagnosis of POTS...I feel like there's something else going wrong. What is your opinion on all this?

    Again thank you so much!!

    1. Correction: holter showed sinus arrhythmia (not IST)

    2. Dear Anonymous,

      Pheo is a concern. You can simply test the plasma metanephrine levels.

      Dr. Pheo

    3. Hi there, I just read your post and its like we're twins. I've been experiencing every single one of your symptoms. I'm curious as to if you ever found out if you have Pheo?

  80. In February of 2014 I was having episodes of high blood pressure with resulting hypotension. My primary suggested it could possibly be a pheo and did tests.
    Norepinephrine 59 ( 15-80 )
    Epinephrine 2.5. ( <21 )
    Dopamine. 263. ( 65-400 )
    Metanephrine. 82. ( 30-180 )
    Normetaneohrine 494. ( 103-390 )
    Total. 576. ( 145-510)
    Plasma normetanephrine 1. ( <0.9 )
    Could be stress related is what was discussed and to follow up with cardiology.
    Now, two years later I am having symptoms that are increasing in intensity and frequency. Bright red flushing of neck and cheeks, sweating, periodic hypertension and sinus tachycardia, palpitations, frequent debilitating headaches, dizziness and GI symptoms that coincide with my episodes. Heat, excercise and alcohol make the symptoms ten fold ( I rarely drink but had half a beer and was down for two days after). My primary repeated the plasma and 24 hour urine.
    Norepinephrine 54. ( 15-80 )
    Epinephrine 5.4 ( <21 )
    Dopamine. 255 ( 65-400 )
    Metanephrine. 132 ( 30-180 )
    Normetaneohrine 475. ( 103-390 )
    Total. 607 ( 145-510)
    Plasma normetanephrine 1.9 ( <0.9 )
    She even checked the urine for signs of circoid and it was negative. Saw cardiology and he started me on Lopressor for the heart rate. In 2009 I was diagnosed with Bradycardia with unknown etiology and now my heart with race up to 160 and fluctuate rapidly but I remain in sinus rhythm and my tilt table test was negative. Cardiologist and primary do not think its a pheo and all of my other labs are perfect including thyroid. I cannot see endocrinology for another month and a half. With the doctors I've already seen saying its most likely not, even with an elevation of my labs, is there anything specific I should bring up to endocrinology? Further testing or other possibilities?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      I agree that pheo is unlikely. Your symptoms are too complicated for me to suggest other specific tests.

      Dr. Pheo

  81. Dr.Pheo
    I have had bizarre symptoms almost 9 years now. I usually have low bp 90/70, but during episodes 140/90.I have abdominal weight gain 40 lbs in just mid-section, no appetite, extreme fatigue, severe headaches.I had postural tachycardia but now tachycardia is in all positions.Stress brings on more symptoms, higher hr, higher bp, frequent urination. My symptoms are a mixture of pheo and cushings but no appetite. Tests Ive had throughout the years.
    A.m- acth plasma (13)
    Normetanephrine plasma- (126)pg
    Elevated plasma a.m cortisol
    Elevated prolactin
    No followups or more testing. Awaiting CT, for the abnormal weight gain. Could this have been missed for do many years? I also have axillary freckling 1 sided, no dx of nf, or vhl but could be a possiblity with my mysterious symptoms and the freckling.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Pheo is unlikely. The high prolactin and cortisol levels need further workup. Both can lead to weight gain.

      Dr. Pheo

  82. Hi Dr.Pheo

    I am a 23 year old female who has been battling Hyperhidrosis for over 8 years. In that time I have been tested for everything that would more likely cause sweating like thyroid issues and hormonal issues. I have always been quite underweight, I’m about 5 foot 10 weighing around 120 pounds. Other symptoms that have stuck with me over the years are things like heart palpitations, extreme headaches, light sensitivity and vision loss, constipation, having a full body tremor very noticeable in the hands, as well as anxiety and a feeling that something is wrong. In 2012 I started taking medication for my hyperhidrosis called Avert (Glycopyrrolate) which really dehydrates me but allows me to live my everyday life. In the past 6 months I have noticed my symptoms get significantly worse. Originally I believed that a lot of my symptoms were being caused by the mediation I’m taking because the symptoms are quite similar (vision loss, heart palpitations, constipations). I also thought it would be a result of a hormonal imbalance given the feeling of hot flashes every 20 minutes or so. After reading about Pheochromocytoma and how the symptoms come in spells every 15-20 minutes this has given me a lot of hope for an answer.
    I am experiencing extreme rapid heart beat which causes me shortness of breath and chest pain. It feels like my chest is so tight and that my heart is so tires d. It feels like my heart is trying to work so hard and trying to pump so much blood. Sometimes my partner is able to hear my heart beat just lying beside me he says it sounds like my heart is pounding on my chest. This comes a long with a full body shiver and hand tremor, my vision also gets quite bad. Let me know what you think!
    Thank you,

    1. wow after reading some of these stories it really shows how much the medication I'm taking supresses the symptoms I have when I don't take it such as runny nose, and costochondritis. my skin will also have a marbly look to it.


    2. I've also been taking more of my medication in the last 4 months because I've gotten so sick of sweating, I am a Registered Massage Therapist and sweaty palms and pits makes it extremely hard to do my job. originally I started off taking 2 mg Avert (one pill) and now I am taking up to 6-8 pills some mornings. I've now noticed that the more pills I take the more rapid and strong my heart beat gets, along with postural hypertension.


    3. Dear Laine,

      The symptoms are likely side effects of glycopyrrolate. If you are concerned, you can test plasma metanephrines to make sure you don't have pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

  83. Hi Dr Pheo,

    I'm a 42 year old female experiencing some significant symptoms. I sometimes feel great and then all of a sudden, it's like a jolt of adrenaline and my bp spikes, I get a severe headache, sometimes see stars, have had one occurrence of kaleidoscope vision, often I have a great deal of pressure behind my eyes and at times, my eyes become extremely bloodshot as if my vessels have burst. It's extremely exhausting. Even when I am not having an episode, I have quite a few heart palpitations everyday, accompanied by this feeling like blood is being forced up my neck and causes a constricting feeling.
    I've had all the usual blood work ruling out thyroid problems. I have no one in my family diagnosed with pheochromocytoma, but my dad had similar problems that went undiagnosed or was counted as anxiety. He died at 50, of an unrelated issue. My paternal grandmother is still living, but has many of these issues, starting in her early 40's.

    Based on what I've shared, what are your thoughts? My doctor has ordered a battery of tests, including the 24 hour urine test.

    Thank you for your time!

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      I agree pheo should be ruled out. Let's see what the lab results will be.

      Dr. Pheo

  84. Hi Dr Pheo,

    Many years after starting this journey am in a situation where half of my specialists saying pheo and the other half saying dermatomyositis. I do have the standard symptoms but also have muscle weakness and mild atrophy, random neuro-like issues, worsening vision and eye pain, and more recently GI issues including an ileus.

    Labs are:
    Epinephrine: 112 (Range < 84 pg/mL)
    Norepinephrine: 1005 (Range < 420 pg/mL)
    Catecholamines, Plasma: 1117 (Range < 504 pg/mL)

    A follow-on 24-hr urine a few months later had equivalent above-range values. Recent abd CT from my ileus event does not show an adrenal mass.

    - A local surgeon is trying to figure out how to schedule an MIBG scan. Is this generally an easy to administer (meaning hard to mess up) and easy to interpret test? I'm pondering travel somewhere where this is more routine if it would avoid delays.

    - Also, my issues do match a pheo but I'll admit I have added sx that don't. Given labs above, any observation you have on how often similar values are/aren't pheo-related?

    1. Dear SleepyHead,

      Plasma metanephrines are the best test for checking if you have pheo or not. MIBG scan results are not always easy to interpret. You may want to see a pheo specialist if possible.

      Dr. Pheo

  85. Hi Dr Pheo,

    I am a healthcare professional. Been experiencing eoisodes over 10 years. I'm 52, female.
    My only history is mild thyroid hypo, but only need Meds at times.
    I get these episodes of hot sweating, tachycardia, spikes in bp, headaches at times, anxious feeling, nausea. It lasts minutes to hours, usually need beta blocker to slow down the tachy.
    I had 24 HR urine twice with mild elevation, blood plasma was inconclusive. I get episodes from wine, caffeine, fermented foods. Stress sometimes, heat, bending over to shave my legs in shower, or pick something up. I have short PR interval on EKG. Anxiety drugs do not help, only beta blockers sometimes will help.
    Can I have a pheo without major elev in urine?

    1. I have the same thing! Including the short PR. Have you found out what's been causing it?

  86. Dear Koko,

    Pheo is unlikely.

    Dr. Pheo

  87. Dr. Pheo, Two weeks ago I was in the ER for almost fainting and a racing heart race. My BP was high, 157 over something (I'm normally below 110). I went back to the ER four other times with similar symptoms, as well as nausea, tingling arms and legs, slight fever. They told me I have 'tachycardia' and gave me a beta blocker, but I"m concerned that I actually have pheo, and I've read you aren't supposed to use beta blockers with pheo. I've mentioned the pheo to my gp and have an appt tues, but what should I do about the beta blocker I'm currently on?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Some beta blockers (beta 1 selective) are generally safe in patients with pheo while others (non-selective) are not.

      Dr. Pheo

  88. I have episodic sinus tachycardia from time to time with sweating, tremor and anxiety. Once 2 years ago went to the doc pulse was 130 and BP 140/90 got an EKG and thyroid test all normal except for sinus tachycardia and was sent home with propranolol. I would get the episodes about once a month and just take a propranolol when it happened which seemed to help. Then a couple months ago I started to get it more frequently, one day sweating, tachycardia, and waves of hot and cold flashes went to the ER BP was 165/104 when I got in and slowly went to 112/70. Since then seen a cardiologist echo and stress test normal, BP normally 125/70 and have gotten a few episodes since the day in the ER but BP has only has gone as high as 135/85. Would like to ask Cardiologist and Endocrinologist (I'm currently on TRT with very stable levels) if I should get the 24 hour urine test.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Anom,

      It is a good idea to test for pheo once.

      Dr. Pheo

  89. Hi Dr. Pheo, I have had Social Anxiety for about 6 years now such as being anxious around others and shaky hands.

    I have had a couple of family losses the last 2 years and never really grieved over it but 3 weeks ago I was worried about my health after thinking about illnesses all day and had a panic attack & then another 3 days later. Since then I have been very anxious and felt mildly light headed with tight muscles in the back of my neck. I noticed that when i stand up my H/R increases to around 100 and my BP goes up too 140/90 sometimes a little more if i get anxious about it.

    When I sit or lay down my HR is around mid 70's and my BP is 119-224.

    Do you think any of this could be related to Pheo? as the anxiety symptoms are mild but are 24/7.


    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Pheo is not very likely.

      Dr. Pheo

  90. Hi Dr. Pheo,

    For the last several weeks I've had episodes of my heart rate jumping to 160-180, BP will be around 145/97, extreme anxiety and sense of doom, shortness of breath, nausea, and tremors. It's happened 4-5 times over the last 2 weeks and lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. Once it resolves my heart rate goes back to normal, around 60, and blood pressure 110/60. CBC, CMP, TSH, and cardiac enzymes normal, except for blood sugar of 130. I am a healthy 26 y/o female. An EKG done during one of these attacks showed it was sinus tach and a stress test and echo was completely normal. My cardiologist is referring me to an endo to rule out pheo. Based on those symptoms is that a real concern? Thanks in advance for your insight.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Pheo is a legitimate concern.

      Dr. Pheo

  91. Hi Dr. Pheo,
    So i have all the pheo symptoms....flushing, exercise intolerance, adrenaline rushes, palpitations. I am 36 and had to have a cardiac ablation bc i went to ER bc my heart rate was 240. Well during the procedure my heart rate spiked to 190/115. My doctor put me on a channel blocker after but took me off it bc ive never showed blood pressure issues and my blood pressure was fine. The reason i think I have not been tested is bc im obese. Any thoughts?

    1. I nean blood pressure spiked to 190/115

    2. I nean blood pressure spiked to 190/115

    3. Dear Jo,

      I suggest that you rule out pheo by testing plasma metanephrines.

      Dr. Pheo

  92. Hi Dr., I have been unwell for about a year. First diagnosed with uti and then another 8 weeks later. Then told I had flu twice which I didn't feel I did. Tests show some thyroid tissue at the back of my tongue but not thought an issue. Bloods showed low vitamin D and slighted elevated pth but normal calcium, endo doesn't think hyperparathyroidism and put me on vit D. Waiting for a second opinion but feel symptoms line up to pheochromocytoma. Dull headache most of the time, nausea, chronic fatigue, bone pain, muscle pain, night sweats, insomnia and back/hip ache. I have had about 5 episodes of same but more severe symptoms where I can't get out of bed.
    Any thoughts welcome.

  93. Forgot to mention I have hypothyroidism and vitiligo for over 10 years now 48 yo.

    1. Dear Geraldine,

      It is good idea to test for pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

  94. Many thanks for the response and informative blog.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Dear Doctor,
    I am a 29 year old female with a short medical history, but nothing serious in need of mentioning. For months now, I've been suffering from symptoms, some of which have been quite debilitating, such as tachycardia, SOB, diaphoresis, tremors, dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, loss of vision, muscle aches, fatigue, activity intolerance, numbers and tingling in hands and feet, and headaches. I am having difficulty with ADLs as my heart rate goes to 150s just from walking. Resting heart rate is 110s-130s, even when sleeping. My heart rates used to run low in the 50s-60s. My blood pressures have been hypertensive as well. I usually run 110s/50s or 60s. I have been fluctuating back and for between high and low, getting as high as 160s/90s while almost asleep. I went to the hospital at one point, and the only abnormalities in my lab work were hypokalemia, low bicarb, and the regular labs that are indicative of anemia, which I also have (increased RBC, decreased Hgb, etc). My primary doctor put me on an event monitor for a few weeks, and after only 2 days, she referred me to an electrophysiologist. Once I saw him, he diagnosed me with inappropriate sinus tachycardia, but he suggested for my primary doctor to run a cortisol level on me. I had actually already sent a message to my primary telling her that I suspected an adrenal insufficiency of some kind, so she ordered the cortisol. Meanwhile, I started taking corlanor for my cardiac symptoms, which helped some but not much, and the results from the cortisol were that my serum was 43.2, and my 24 hour cortisol was WNL. I've now been referred to an endocrinologist, but I can't take feeling like this anymore. I want to feel 29 again and get to the cause. It's not my thyroid gland, and I don't think it's cardiac. My potassium level is back to normal again as well. I don't see this endocrinologist until 10/16, and I've got a physical job, as I'm a nurse. I don't know if I can take this for another month. I want my life back. I want my independence back. What do you think is wrong with me? Is this cardiac or endocrine? I

    1. Dear Kindra,

      It is hard to say. The cortisol tests show you have normal adrenal function. Thyroid function needs to be tested. It will be a good idea to rule out pheo by testing plasma metanephrines.

      Dr. Pheo

    2. Thank you for your response and time. I've been tested for thyroid function. All is normal in that department. Meanwhile my sweating is getting worse, I've been getting more short of breath, my heart rate remains at a constant high, and now my blood pressure fluctuates. My doctor ordered a 24 hour urine metanephrine and a plasma aldosterone. I'll know soon enough.

      I can't keep going like this. It's very draining. I need answers and treatment so that I can go back to functioning normally again finally. I have been getting head and ear parasthesias now, which feel very uncomfortable and odd, almost painful on top of the hand and foot parasthesias.

  97. Dr. Pheo

    Starting last October I've had a lot of symptoms that I have not been able to understand. It started with a prolonged response (approximately 1 month) to a very stressful event. During 10 days of these time I felt that adrenaline was pumping through my veins at an alarming level. I played sports and it felt like a playoff game every second with no off button. During that time, I lost 12 pounds and a ton of muscle. I also had racing thoughts and anxiety. After going to an urgent care doctor I was tested for thyroid and it came back normal. After hearing this result, I felt almost like a flushing sensation throughout my body and it made me dizzy and light headed. Next morning I work up with blurry vision. Sometime around this event, either before or after the results I came down with a fever and uncontrollable shaking, night sweats lasted a few days. I had to miss work.
    A few days later the feeling came back. I went to get tested for an unrelated issue as I thought my biggest concern at the time was my weight loss (it was hard to be rationale with the adrenaline pumping). During this time the adrenaline and anxiety were all there (also noticed that my Achilles was severely inflamed during the whole time), sometimes debilitating. Then every so often it would get to the point where it would stop and I’d get very tired. Finally I got a result of a test, and my flushing happened again. At this point, I felt weak, had joint pain and had trouble even walking up stairs. Gradually, this got better but the flushing this time caused pretty bad stretching of the skin in my arms and legs
    In April, I had my first and only 24 hour urine test. It came back with Dopamine raised and Creatine raised. Also low vitamin D. My symptoms have always been intermittent and I feel like I took the test on a bad day. She told me to wait a few months an redo it again just to make sure. I’m waiting for a weekend with symptoms so that I can take the test.
    Over the last 11 months, I’ve developed anxiety, acted out in a risky situation in response to one of these attacks, had numerous bouts of facial swelling, loss of vision/blurriness, and racing heart palpations. I’ve also lost a considerable amount of facial volume and fat around and under my eyes. I’ve also had to buy new work clothes twice as I’ve lost considerable amounts of muscle tone. I was hoping this was just my body being of wack and that it would correct itself. But it seems to be getting worst. My body overreacts to any type of stress. Then, my symptoms will get worst and eventually I’ll bottom out (when that happens I’ll feel a pain abdomen or flank). Recently this happened and I woke up with bad grinding in my jaw (TMJ, which Ive never had). I’m not sure if the hormones can cause these joint issues but it seems related as it happened right after an attack. I’m worried these symptoms could be hormone related and possibly pheo. What do you think?
