Thursday, September 7, 2017

Pheo still kills

Pheo very rarely causes death in modern times. Whenever a patient dies of pheo, the diagnosis and management of the patient’s pheo require detailed analysis. The lessons learned from such an unfortunate death are invaluable.

I run into a case report published earlier this year. A 61-year-old male suddenly developed fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath. He came to an emergency room 6 hours later. At the emergency room, he initially had high blood pressure and heart rate. His condition deteriorated quickly so that he was intubated. His markers of heart attack were elevated but his coronary arteries were normal. His left heart ventricle exhibited abnormal movement. He was diagnosed with takotsubo cardiomyopathy (a heart disease caused by extreme stress). Chest X-ray showed signs of heart failure and CT showed changes consistent with certain kind of pneumonia. 2 hours later, his blood pressure suddenly dropped and he suffered from cardiac arrest. He died shortly after. It was only 12 hours between the start of symptoms and death. Autopsy found a 4-cm hemorrhagic pheochromocytoma in the right adrenal gland.

This case is typical for pheo-related sudden death. He was apparently healthy before the onset of symptoms. He had no known pheo. His symptoms suggested heart or lung diseases. He initially had high blood pressure and heart rate. Testing and imaging showed he had normal coronary arteries but with other heart and lung abnormalities. He then suddenly developed low blood pressure and cardiac arrest and died quickly.

Was his death avoidable? It is hard to say. Were there potential opportunities to make an early diagnosis of pheo and to institute therapies? There probably were. In any patients with acute heart problems with normal coronary arteries, pheo should be considered. Pheo is a rare cause of heart problems but pheo-related heart problems are reversible. The probability of pheo is much higher after the coronary arteries are shown to be normal. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy cannot be reliably diagnosed without ruling out pheo. Therefore, pheo should be considered in this patient. A particularly odd thing in this case was that the chest CT did not mention the adrenal tumor. Chest CT should clearly see a 4-cm adrenal mass. A large adrenal mass and acute heart and lung problems without other plausible explanations only point to one disease, pheo-induced cardiomyopathy and pulmonary edema. He should have been diagnosed earlier and been treated with alpha blockade and aggressive cardiac support with all available devices. Believe it or not, even the sickest patient with pheo-induced cardiomyopathy can survive with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Dr. Pheo


  1. I have recently been tested and both 24hr urine tests were positive and a positive blood test for elevated levels of adrenal produced hormones. I have also had a CT of my abdomen, pelvis, chest and neck. They say there is some irregularity on left adrenal but they are not ready to call it a tumor. I am currently taking 4 blood pressure medications to keep my pressure between 140/150 and take 2000mg of metformin for elevated blood sugar. I have other symptoms as well, palpitations, heat intolerance, fatigue.... Should I seek a second opinion? My current physician is not well versed in pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas. Thank you for any feedback.
    Concerned in North Carolina

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    You unlikely have pheo. It is a good idea to seek a second opinion.

    Dr. Pheo

    1. Are you saying you don't think it is a pheo or you think it is? Your wording is confusing.
      Thank you!

    2. Dear Anonymous,

      I think you probably don't have pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

  3. Hi Doctor -My ER spells manifest as: immediate onset tachycardia, flushing, polyuria, intense vertigo. (and sometimes swift bowel evacuation). Day-to-day I get variations of the same (but just not all together); I also have bouts of tremulousness, hairloss, muscle twitches/cramps that last days, dizziness, bouts of intense stomach/gut pain that acts up around midnight...Right now I'm dealing with intense adrenaline surges, and I have been up for 48 hours straight because I don't get tired and still feel like I could run a marathon! Thyroid labs are all normal. During one bout of bad polyuria, metanephrines, norepinephrines were mildly low, and dopamine and arginine vasopressin were both almost non-existent (<1!) but endo. dismissed values saying they were "normal" because "anyone having a bout of polyuria would naturally have low values" because of values being watered down. On another occasion metanephrines were mildly low and epineprhines were VERY low. What could cause LOW metanaphrines, epinephriens, norepinephrines, and dopamine during my spells? (FYI - My CgA and serotonin run on/off normal sometimes to mildly over normal at others; IL-1betas, histamines, and substance P run GROSSLY high (like over 67-fold over normal limits during an attack). A different Doc thinks these might be anaphylactoid or histamine vasodilation attacks from MCAS (as he says carcinoid tumor would manifest as CONSTANT levels of 3-4 fold CgA and serotonin--mine are still significantly under 2-fold and at other times normal!) but nobody knows what to make of such LOW epi/norepi/metaneph and dopamine. Would having polyuria during my spells cause "falsely abnormal" values because of being "watered down"? Endo also says it couldn't be an intermittently secreting tumor because 1) they're so rare (though, ironically, I have a friend who has an intermittently secreting tumor, but it took docs 5 years to catch abnormal labs!) and 2) because pheos don't cause polyuria (though wikipedia and pubmed disagree!). Ideas please?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Pheo is very unlikely. The best method to test pheo for you is the plasma metanephrines (which is independent of the secreting activity or urine volume).

      Dr. Pheo

  4. Hi Dr. Pheo, Regarding Chromogranin A, I just recently had this test done, and my result is 93 with the reference range being 0-95 (I'm not sure what lab was used.) I realize this falls within the normal range, but is 93 the level most normal people would have in that range? Is anywhere in the 0-95 range considered normal, or is the lower end of the range considered more normal? Everything I see online says over 39 is high, but maybe this particular lab is different? I got tested because I've started having episodes of flushing and some abdominal pain and diarrhea. I'm awaiting results from a CT scan and 5 HIAA also. I have confidence in my doctor, but don't see him again until Nov. 6 and I'm just curious about this result of 93.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Kerri,

      The normal range of chromogranin A is different between labs. Your result is thus normal. On the other hand, the diagnosis of carcinoid or other tumors should not be made based on the result of a single test.

  5. Hello Dr. Pheo! I ran into you blog today after my appointment with an endocrinologist who suggested I may have pheo or a thyroid problem. I've been going from doctor to doctor, in order to to finally get a diagnosis. Ive been suffering with:
    • Headaches, all types but mostly unilateral: doctors tried to treat me for migraine – didn’t work; had a CT scan, MRI and EQG, all came back clear except for the EQG that, according to my neurologist, showed too much brain activity and endorphin deficiency, I’m currently on Sertralin with little success;
    • Hypertension: I don’t have hypertension history in my family and I’ve never had it before, until maybe max 1 year ago I started measuring it every morning because of headaches, getting measures between 130-150/90-110 (it used to be around 100-110/60-70 max). I notice it doesn’t always happens, but whenever I’m feeling anxious/stressed it gets high easily. A cardiologist run some tests, and the echo detected a minor mitral valve prolapse. I’ve been taking Moduretic for my BP with not relevant changes in my pressure;
    • Tachycardia: this probably must be the symptom which bugs me the most. I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my chest, all the time, everytime. Whenever I take my BP, it’s always around 90-100, sometimes higher but rarely lower. I have some “episodes” in which I’m lying down in bed trying to sleep and feeling my heart beat so fast through my chest makes me really uncomfortable. Today, the measure at a long period resting at my doctor was 98.
    • Temperature issues: I feel like I’m always hot, always feverish, although I’m really having only low grade fever (99 to 101 max). Sometimes, my face and neck get really red and very hot to the touch, which I can’t really tell it’s related to something or not. The other day I had a minot stress situation in which I got really, really red and got tremors, which was a new symptom I’ve never, ever had before. Oh, and I never sweat, never ever – a while ago I noticed my lower back is always sweat with minor walks, not even exercise.
    • Dizziness and nausea: this is a very known symptom for me because I always thought it was connected to my headaches. I’m usually nauseous in the early mornings and late evenings, but I rarely throw up. Diziness affect me usually with the headache and the high BP and tachycardia, altogether.
    • I have pain. Everyday. I’m so sick of taking so many pills for multiple pains! Headache, lower back, middle back and legs are my top complaints.
    • Last, but not least, I have constipation AND diarrhea. Yes, freaking both. I’m usually constipated, but lately I’ve been having episodes of night diarrhea which are very painful (abdominal pain, cold sweating, nausea and diarrhea). They last several minutes and usually happen at night, although these last weeks I had them at early mornings too.
    Anyways, I’ve never thought this symptoms could be connected and I actually looked for an endocrinologist for weight gain, when she suggest the pheo and asked some blood and urine tests. I found your blog and I consistently feel like I have most of pheo symptoms. I’m so sick of feeling sick, I just want a closure and to feel well again. I’d really appreciate your opinion. Thanks in advance.

    1. Forgot to say, I'm 25.

    2. Dear Anonymous,

      I agree that pheo and hyperthyroidism should be tested. Let's see what the test results will be.

      Dr. Pheo

    3. Dr. Pheo, I'm a 35 year old woman whose Doctor has requested tests for pheo. After years of normal blood pressure I suddenly began experiencing hypertension. My family has a history of hypertension and strokes on my maternal side. Also, I'm going through the process of diagnosis for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS or cEDS likely). I have been experiencing a lot of pain due to daily joint subluxations and suspected endometeiosis so we assumed my high bp readings were caused by pain. But now I am having readings as high as 230/165 along with severe headaches and sweating, pallor, tremors, anxiety, high heart rate and heart palpitations, breathlessness, exhaustion and abdominal pain. My sleep is broken every 3 hours at night. My question is, my doctor prescribed me ACEs and then ordered a blood and 24 hour urine test for pheo. When I presented myself for the blood test I was advised that I cannot take any hypertensive medications for 2 weeks prior to the blood sample. Of course I admitted I had been taking the medication as I was not forewarned. Will this affect my test results greatly? And what is the likelihood that pheo is the cause of my symptoms? Could it be dysautonomia which is common with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?

    4. Dear ladykicks,

      It is a good idea to test for pheo. The blood pressure medications should not affect the pheo test results. The likelihood of pheo in people with hypertension is usually not very high.

      Dr. Pheo

  6. Dr. Pheo, I am turning to you because I frankly am at a loss as to what direction I should be going in at this point. I could use some much needed advice. My situation is complex to say the very least.# weeks ago I landed myself in the ER ICU with complaints of anxiety,a sense of utter doom,heart palpitations,a spike in blood pressure of 289/100. I immediately was given nitro,put on a heart monitor,given a chest xray,a CT scan,and ordered blood draws. I was diagnosed as having a 2mm adrenal tumor,several small PE in my left lower lung lobe.It was ruled out that I have cardiac issues.I was even placed on a treadmill induced stress test.But I passed that test.I have a history of cervical cancer. I also have a history of stage 3 papillary carcinoma N! of the thyroid. In 2007 I had a total thyroidectomy followed with the highest dose gamma iodonized RAD allowable in patient for 5 days. For the past several years all of my PET scans have come back fine.My ultra sounds have come back fine. But I have been having these episodes that have landed me in the ER several times with spikes in bp,palpitations,shortness of breath.My D dimer tested positive for PE this latest ER visit as well as the CT results. However,I feel this unsettling feeling.Due to many more symptoms I have routinely complained to my doctors about.Like the charley horses in my left leg,the problems I sometimes experience swallowing,the twitches in my face and arms,the right side pain under my ribcage that feels like a spasm,the chronic ringing buzzing in my ears,becoming startled easily,nervousness,my periods stopped for 2 years and then suddenly began again and heavy.But now I have skipped another month of not having one.The knot I feel in my right lower abdomen that the ultrasound didn't pick up.This dull pain inbetween my shoulder blades that feels like a heaviness,and the heaviness on my chest. The strange thing is that all of these things never take place at one time.All of these symptoms come and go at random.I have seen several doctors.None of which I am impressed with because I feel like as soon as they learn of my hypothyroidism. They automatically think all of my complaints are related to the hypo. I am weak ,constipated,and my emotions are all over the place. I am tired of feeling at times like I am dying.I don't know where to turn. But I could certainly use some much needed advice.I retain fluid all the time,I have almost no appetite but can't loose any weight,I have terrible insomnia. I feel like the walking dead. Please help!

  7. Papillary carcinoma stage 3 N 1. I was in the ER 3 weeks ago. Still having shortness of breath episodes.I apologize for the typo errors.

  8. Forgot to mention that I get headaches with aura.I am extremely light sensitive.This has been going on for years.I get hot flashes and flush,heat and cold intolerant,light headed at times,I have type 1 diabetes.Sometimes I feel nausea but mostly a warm feeling in my stomach like heart burn.I never vomit though. I do sometimes get the runs.But am constipated mostly and really bad constipation. I feel full all the time and my belly looks bloated most of the time.I get this real strange electrical buzz sound in my ears too from time to time.I was 35 when diagnosed with papillary carcinoma. I am 46 currently.I have osteo arthritis,degenerative disc disease. I have chronic lower back aches.

  9. I have more but this is enough for obvious reasons. I appreciate your time reading what a physical train wreck that I am.

    1. Dear Erica,

      It is worthwhile to test for pheo. You can do a blood test called "plasma metanephrines". Let's see what the test results will be.

      Dr. Pheo

  10. Hi Dr.Pheo! i've been a good follower of your precious blog for so long.I am 24 yo male from Turkey.It all started in 2009 after the death of my grandma.I grew anxiety and seen a lot of psychiatrists.Finally have been diagnosed with anxiety/hypochondriac.Forgive my English but i really need to hear your valuable info.I've had sweats in the winter for so long badly. there was no exact reasons. but nothing else i felt until October 2016. My medicatiton history of so full. I had flushings cold hands/foot but nothing else as i remember.Been to ER for so many times for my panic attacks but there was no result just some spikes up to 150/100 October i was almost falling asleep and suddenly felt breathless. I thought i was dying i didnt even remember how did i go to hospital. I was living alone. Dr thought i had Emboly where i had D-dimer in my blood tests with a pulse of 130 and BP 150/90 and my oxygen level was down to 92 i didnt even know what happened i felt sick for days.No one could found whats wrong.I had a high d-dimer again but nothing was wrong on CT and they thought its okay and its all psychologic.I had some weird values in Blood tests that caught my eye. High RGB/High HCT/Low Potassium/low folic acid/High cholesterol-Triglicerid/Borderline PCT/High WBC count (which is still borderline). after all of those months now my blood tests are clean. Back in those months I ve had palpitations with tachycardia(even with a little movement) upto 140-150.after having tachycardia for so long i did seek for medications and a doctor prescribed proplanolol. after using it for 2-3 months i went to Metoprolol after seeing an Endo.There was no legitimate reason for me to be like this. Ecocardiography clean. ECG-sinus tach. at times.Thyroid is clean. also I had low TSH with high WBC and CRP count once i dont know why. after all these i ve explored a rare disease called PHEO which fits my situation perfectly. I've seen an Endocrinologyst.
    24-HR Urine Metanephrines
    Normetanephrines are normal.
    My question is I've been on Metoprolol at the same time while i had the test and antidepressants with Xanax. Do them affect the tests or i really have nothing?(antidepressant was not tricyclic)
    My endo also thought it was not Pheo.
    each Ultrasound on stomach and pelvic are clean
    CT on Stomach,chest,pelvic are clean.
    I forgot to mention I'm having stomachaches for last 2 years for at least 2-3 days and i cant even move during i have.(and my pulse doesnt get low below 100 with stomachache)
    the time between stomachache attacks was first 6 months then it reduced to 3 months. now i have it every 20 days. I dont wanna go out and can't relax.I try to sleep whenever i want to. My body feels tired all the time.
    I also have nauseas all the time and rarely vomit but most of the time gags.and i have heartburn constantly where medics seem not to work.
    Also there is nothing on Endoscopy in 2013 but a little gastritis.
    Sorry for my mess. I remembered everything in parts.Forgive my language. I can't wait to have your answer Dr.Pheo!
    Best Regards

    1. Low blood sugar once. 59. and the normal values were between 70-140

  11. and mild headaches at times. i forgot to mention once i had an attack i went to ER where my pulse was 157 and BP was 90/60 with oxygen level of 92.But nothing found on 24 hr urine test.i dont know if that was total or fractionated metanephrines but results were seperated as Metanephrines/normetanephrines. Doctors barely give me info and labelize me as Hypochondriac.Have a good day Dr.Pheo! Your reply will be the most valuable thing of my life.

  12. sorry to spam but i have everything to be clear for you to understand the situation Dr.Pheo. I have seen Pulmonology for d-dimer and shortness of breath issues also nothing found all clean.I had those breathlessness attacks multiple times where my bp was normal most of the time but slightly elevated sometime. but i thought i was gonna die when i had those and it makes my brain to tingle whenever i have those and pulse up to 150 at least. then suddenly goes back to normal when it ends.I now dont have them often. but still have the feeling of impending doom all the time and can't get rid of the thought that i might have pheo even if the results were clean.should i repeat the test or markers are enough to eliminate Pheo?

  13. post from anonymous at 2:28 January 3 is mine by the way.

    1. Dear Mehmetcan,

      Pheo is ruled out. Please see my post in July 2010 about other causes of pheo symptoms.

      Dr. Pheo

    2. but i still wonder if those blood values and oxygen levels could be related to pheo or not

    3. Dear Mehmetcan,

      Again you unlikely have pheo. So the blood values and oxygen levels should no be related to pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

    4. thank you Dr.Pheo. I have been diagnosed with Familial Mediterranean Fever(FMF).im so happy to get my diagnose.

  14. Very very interesting post, thank you for sharing. I read something I think you might find interesting - it relates specifically to takotsubo cardiomyopathy, but as elevated dopamine sulfate is something you are also familiar with, well, see what you think. Note in particular how the dopamine measurement is taken and its impact on concentration levels. The title is 'Dopamine induces lipid accumulation, NADPH oxidase-related oxidative stress, and a proinflammatory status of the plasma membrane in H9c2 cells' by MP Begieneman of the Netherlands Forensic Institute.

  15. Can you recommend a NJ specialist? My son is collecting 24 hour urine. This stems from a BP reading before wisdom teeth extraction of 180/130 while in the chair. No rapid heart rate. All prior BP throughout life normal. No other symptoms other than that day that we know of. Our insurance only covers NJ

    1. Dear Wendy,

      You can try doctors at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

      Dr. Pheo

  16. Thank you. Hoping for a negative result.

  17. Hello Dr Pheo,

    Season Greetings.

    I am a 25 year old male from India with a sedentary lifestyle with too much travel. I have been experiencing Palpitaitons, Giddiness, near fainting spells since 30 days along with dyspnea. Have consulted Neuro, Cardio twice and have been admitted to the ER for palpitations and Giddiness.
    MRI (Brain), ECG, TMT, Electrolytes, Vitamins, Thyroid all normal. Holter says 3rd grade ven.ectopic (640) along with 6 supraventricular ectopics. Cardio suggest the reason to be Anxiety and Hypertension. BP is usually above borderline (130+/85+) and he have recently started me on Amlodipine (5mg).
    Planning to visit ENT and Endocrinologist to rule out Ear infection and Pheo. Can you please help?
    Do you think it’s worthwhile to go for the Pheo Screening. I have malignancy history and father has been recently diagnosed with NeuroEndocrine Tumour in the Duodenum. Hoping to see your response soon. Thanks much for your time.

    1. Dear Rishabh,

      It is a good idea to test for pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hello Dr. Pheo,

    About a month ago I started having episodes of rapid heart rate, chest pain, and headache. My heart rate went up to 150. I was checked out at the hospital and there were no abnormalities on my EKG. They tested for blood clot, thyroid, and ruled out heart attack. I followed up with my primary whome has had me follow up with a cardiologist. I've worn a 48 hr holter monitor, which didn't show anything. I've had an ECG which was normal. I'm now wearing a 14 day monitor.

    I'm still having episodes of rapid heart rate and headaches. The headaches are more frequent and come on suddenly. They feel like a wave traveling up to my head and severe pressure and I feel like I'm about to black out. The rapid heart rate can be triggered by stress, food, or nothing at all. After an episode I usually feel really worn down. Sometimes it doesn't take much to make my heart rate go up, like just a little movement. I have not had high blood pressure but it has been a little higher than normal.

    I've asked my PCP to test me for pheo. She had me do the 24 hr urine test. I was never told to keep it cold and only read that online after. She only tested Metanephrine U24 36 mcg/24hr (Low) Reference Range:45 mcg/24hr - 290 mcg/24h and Normetanephrine 24U 224 mcg/24hr Reference Range:82 mcg/24hr - 500 mcg/24hr.

    Based on this, my Dr doesn't think it's pheo. However I am almost sure it is adrenal related somehow based on how it feels and when it comes on. I've asked to be referred to an Endocrinologist but I haven't received the referral yet. I feel that my doctor is brushing it off as anxiety. I'm curious what you think.

    I'm looking forward to your response.

    Thank you.

  20. Dear Anonymous,

    You can test for plasma metanephrines or repeat urine metanephrines. Overall the probability of pheo is not high.

    Dr. Pheo

  21. Dear Dr. Pheo,

    Greetings, and best wishes for a happy, healthy new year to you and yours!

    I first wrote to you on 3/4/17 as a comment to your Alpha Blockade article. I won’t repeat all the details here, but in summary, I was diagnosed with stage iv poorly-differentiated (follicular) thyroid cancer 10 years ago this month. I have a left adrenal nodule that measured 1.2cm in 11/2016 (.8cm in 2013). On my most recent scan in 11/2017, it measured 1.3cm. In 1/2017, all labs for Metanephrines and Catecholamines were well within normal limits, with the exception of norepinephrine being 86% of normal– 445 (ref range 80-520). Labs now (2/2018) for Metanephrines and Catecholamines, most all are normal, except now norephinephrine is above normal – 594 (ref range 80-520). Last year I was supposed to be taking 50mg of metoprolol twice a day, but I didn’t get the second dose in very often. Since palpitations increased, my cardiologist put me on 100mg ER once a day, and palpitations are better.
    Last year you had recommended that the adrenal gland be removed. My doctors were not willing, saying they believe it is a benign adenoma because of the way it looks on in and out of phase imaging, and because my labs are “normal”.
    What do you think of the norepinephrine increase? Can you recommend a doctor in the southeast region?

    Thank you!

    Life is Good

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      If the MRI out-of-phase imaging shows it is an adenoma, you can recheck your metanephrines in 6 months. The diagnosis of small adrenal tumors is often not straightforward.

      Dr. Pheo

  22. Dear Dr. Pheo,

    I have been going through pheo symptoms since 2013 October - sudden panic attacks with high BP, nervousness - easily startled, weakness, jittery feeling, cold shivers, fearful feeling at the pit of stomach, no hunger, tinnitus on the left ear, mildly elevated heart rate only, and other SNS symptoms like frequent urination and so on. About 20 episodes have been happening every year since october of 2013 and .25 or .5 mg xanax helps and works within an hour every single time.

    My last one was on 10th of february 2018. It started around 4:30 pm and I started collecting the 24hr urine for the lab around 6pm. At night around 11 pm I had to take .25mg xanax, since the SNS was still acting up. I got the Plasma Free metanephrines test done the next day morning around 10:30 am (supine position after resting for 20 minutes). The results just came back normal for the plasma tests. Still waiting for the Urine test results. The abdominal ultrasound was normal also.

    DOPAMINE <20 pg/mL 0 - 20 pg/mL
    EPINEPHRINE 30 pg/mL 10 - 200 pg/mL
    NOREPINEPHRINE 278 pg/mL 80 - 520 pg/mL
    NORMETANEPHRINE 0.34 nmol/L 0.00 - 0.89 nmol/L
    METANEPHRINE 0.16 nmol/L 0.00 - 0.49 nmol/L

    My question is, can the .25 mg xanax taken around 11 pm the previous night skew the test results to be false negative? With these symptoms and results, do you think I have pheo?

    Thanks so much for everything you do.

    1. Dear Dr. Pheo,
      I received the 24hr urine test results just today. The DOPAMINE,UR RATIO TO CRT has come out to be slightly elevated. Not sure if this has any significance. Thanks.

      CREATININE,UR PER 24HR 720 mg/d 500 - 1400 mg/d

      DOPAMINE,UR PER 24HR 198 ug/d 77 - 324 ug/d
      DOPAMINE,UR RATIO TO CRT 275 ug/g CRT 0 - 250 ug/g CRT H


    2. Dear Anonymous,

      Pheo is now ruled out. The slightly elevated dopamine level is not rare. The source of dopamine in urine is mostly from the kidney and is not a concern.

      Dr. Pheo

    3. Thanks, Dr. Pheo.
      So, the xanax that I had taken during the episode the previous night of the plasma test should not have altered the test results, right?
      Thanks again.

    4. Dear Anonymous,

      Xanax does not significantly alter the results. I would not worry about it.

      Dr. Pheo

  23. Hi, I am curious as to the percentage of people who actually have high levels of Chromogranin A with a Pheo. I'm waiting for my blood work to come back
    (metanephrines and aldosterone, renin activity) and my Chromogranin A was normal

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Normal chromogranin A can rule out a large pheo but not a small pheo.

      Dr. Pheo

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Dr Pheo,
    Could you recommend a monitoring doctor as well as a surgical doctor for Pheos in Atlanta, GA? Thank you

  26. Sorry but I don't know a specific doctor. You can try doctors at Emory.

    Dr. Yu

  27. Dear Dr Pheo,
    I am a 47 yo woman with symptoms suggesting that I might have a pheochromocytoma (hbp episodes with tachycardia, tremors, pallor and sweat) but my metanephrines levels are normal. I am otherwise healthy and do not take any medication. My GP ordered an ultrasound instead of a CT scan as apparently the contrast IV could trigger another hypertensive episode.

    Can an ultrasound detect a pheochromocytoma?

    Are there any tips or techniques that can help the ultrasound technician find the tumor?

    Can a CT scan without contrast detect a pheochromocytoma?
    Thank you :)

  28. Dear Sof,

    Pheo is already ruled out for you. Imaging is a moot issue here. There is no need to do imaging to find a pheo.

    Dr. Pheo

  29. Dr. Pheo,

    I was wondering if "normal" people react to tyramine foods? I mean, maybe they have a slight b/p response, but not significant where they would know it? So the opposite of that would be, are people with a pheo the only ones that have a large response to tyramine foods?

  30. Dear Unknown,

    Nowadays, tyramine induced pheo crisis is exceedingly rare. Most people with pheo do not have a problem with eating tyramine foods. People who are on MAO inhibitor medications often respond to tyramine foods with reactions.

    Dr. Pheo

  31. Dear Dr. Pheo,
    After 9 months of investigation, my 75-year-old mother’s doctors are saying they’re unable to find the cause of her symptoms, and my mother has become resigned. From what I read, her symptoms are perhaps indicative of a pheo, but her doctors feel they’ve ruled that out. I wanted to ask you to see in your opinion if she should keep investigating a possible tumor; I will try to keep this brief. My mother has always been in excellent health, exercises a lot, and is not overweight. Her symptoms began last June with sudden onset of anxiety and “fight or flight” feelings, sometimes several in a day, usually 1 or 2 a week, and sometimes waking her at night. She describes them almost as paroxysms, with “shuddery” feelings in her chest. She also has persistent feelings of anxiety, which is not typical for her. Eventually they discovered her always-normal blood pressure to be high (170 or 180 for the high number), but only sporadically. By measuring at home, it seems that her blood pressure spikes after one of her “fight or flight”/paroxysm episodes, and then takes several hours to come back down. Also, twice she’s had urine tests with extremely high dopamine levels— I don’t have the number for the first one, but the second one came back with a reading of 47,165. However, she’s also had two urine tests that read as normal, and so her doctor feels that the two high dopamine readings must have been lab error. The doctor says her blood tests are also normal, which again makes the doctor feel the urine results must have been in error. She has also had many scans (CT, ultrasound, and MRI) and the radiologists did not see anything. She also had a nuclear scan (maybe MIBG?) of her chest and abdomen and again nothing lit up. She saw a cardiologist who says her heart is healthy, though she has a bit of tachycardia, and he has “signed off” on her. They are treating her blood pressure but it’s unclear how well that’s working. She also has double vision in her right eye, but her ophthalmologist said that could be due to dry macular degeneration, which he says she has. I guess my question is: if all the various scans have come back without showing any tumor, does that mean we should cross pheo/paraganglioma off our list? We are truly at a loss. Thank you so much for any insight, and for your public service; I just don’t feel I have anywhere else to turn.

  32. Dear Dr Pheo, thankyou for writing such an informative blog. I seek your opinion on a suggested course of action with some borderline results. The patient is myself - Male, 40 yo, BMI 33. Originally suspected phaeo in 2015 with elevated serum normetanephrine, however CT was unremarkable and followup metanephrines were normal after discontinuing reboxetine. Intermittent symptoms recurred more recently prompting repeat levels now showing repeated elevations.

    Relevant history:
    - Fatigue for many years.
    - Tachy: Intermittent for many years originally noted as sinus. In the last 3 months developed 2:1 atrial flutter which was successfully ablated. In the last month developed new focal atrial tachy (suspect pulmonary vein location). There is a marked postural effect of approx +30 bpm on standing.
    - Hypertension: Variable, previously intermittently medicated but not at present. 24H ambulatory monitoring showed daytime variation between 130/75 and 160/95. Slight nighttime dip present to 120/70 (nominal) but with single sleeping spike to 140/85.
    - Hyperhidrosis: Variable, with a marked postural effect.
    - Secondary hypogonadism with testosterone reaching 4.2 nmol/L treated with testosterone undecanoate depot inj. every 8-10 wk.
    - Occasional iron deficiency anaemia, lowest ferritin recorded was 9 ug/L. Treated via infusion.
    - Very occasional mild persistent polycythaemia, treated via venesection.
    - Some large/giant colon adenomas removed, suggestive of Lynch Syndrome (right side, MSI high, BRAF wildtype) however no Lynch gene identified.
    - RH hemithyroidectomy to remove large follicular adenoma embedding parathyroid gland. Currently euthyroid.
    - Skin: Marked hyperperfusion / blanching erythema (not Raynaud's) of both hands and feet while standing / walking.
    - Intermittent anxiety and some depressive signs, not successfully treated long term. Panic attacks rarely. Clonazepam effective short term for serious episode on PRN basis, rarely required.
    - Intermittent spontaneous stabbing LBP while resting.
    - History of OSA unsuccessfully treated via CPAP and oral splint.

    Relevant medication:
    - Metoprolol 50mg bid
    - Ivabradine 5mg bid
    - Dexamphetamine 15mb bid (only for two most recent test rounds)
    - Low dose Duloxetine (30mg) qd

    Relevant test results:
    - Serum Normetanemphrine (pmol/L, RR <660): 1230* (Oct 2015) 590 (Dec 2015) 1310* (Mar 2018)
    - Serum Metanephrine (pmol/L, RR <300): 160 (Oct 2015) 120 (Dec 2015) 90 (Mar 2018)
    - CGA (ug/L, RR <93.0): <6.3 (? Error ?, Oct 2017) 23.7 (Mar 2018)
    - U24H Normetanephrine (umol/d, RR <3.00): 5.46* (Mar 2018)
    - U24H Metanephrine (umol/d, RR <1.30): 0.91 (Mar 2018)
    - U24H 3-Methoxytyramine (umol/d, RR <2.70): 1.52 (Mar 2018)
    - U24H Creatinine (mmol/d): 21.7 (Mar 2018)
    - U24H Sample Volume (L): 1.30 (Mar 2018)
    - Current FBC noted Hb 189*, PCV 0.55*.

    Metanephrines tests had a two day wash out for metoprolol and dexamphetamine. Serum tests were 20min supine.

  33. PART 1/1

    Hi, Dr. Pheo,

    I have had horrible episodes for many years. The longest was in Spring 2014 where I had tremoring and and an awful energy that never went away--I lost 40 lbs, could barely sleep or eat. I had episodes of high blood pressure. At that time I went to the ER once for high blood pressure and convinced the ER doctor to do a plasma metanepherine test and it was normal (plasma normetanephrine 75 pg/mL and metaneprhines 41 pg/mL). They didn't know about the special preparations needed for this test. It was a send-out test. I don't know if it was done correctly.

    At the time I was on bisoprolol 2.5 mg which I continue to be on now. I also take 3.25 mg Ativan, 4 mg Valium, 20 mg Paxil, and 18.75 mg Seroquel, in case it makes a difference.

    I was retested when I wasn't having bad symptoms again in early 2017 and the values were a bit lower -14 for meta and 23 for normeta--this was done by a phlebotomist. I was receiving homecare for a short time and so this test happened to be when I was lying down in my own bed.

    Most recently I had paroxsymal hypertension again and trouble walking around. I had what I called the worst headache of my life the day before it came on. I had already been having night sweats every night. Then the horrible headache that got worse with lying down. Then the blood pressure went up to the 160s every time I stood. I went to the ER but they would only evaluate me for heart attack, which they determined I did not have. They did a TSH which was normal with a value of 2. They would not do a metanephrine test. And they did not want to investigate the headache.

    A few days after that I went back to being hungry, sleeping, feeling like myself.

    Most recently, this last Monday, I had a spontaneous daytime feeling of horrible adrenaline and my heart at rest lying down went up into the 130s and the blood pressure also got quite high. I took extra bisoprolol which did not help. I had a scheduled appt with my PCP (which was scheduled months before) and it happened to coincide with these symptoms. In addition to the suddenly high BP (after the ER it had gone strangely low to a standing BP of systolic 102--strangely low for me and then went back up again), I was in a complete flop sweat from head to toe. I had visible tremor. I have a history of anxiety but I'm aware of when I have anxious thoughts. I felt very deliberate and a great deal of equanimity for what I was feeling physically. It felt like I had been injected with epinephrine, except unlike that feeling (Which i'm familiar with from having my wisdom teeth out--i had a bad response to it), I have no idea what this is or when it will end.

    I was sweating so much I asked if I could take my shirt off at the PCP which i did because it was soaked through and through. I've had no psychiatric med changes. And it doesn't feel like my normal anxiety.

    I asked him about pheo and thyroid as possibilities. He didn't want to do more thyroid testing. He said he would test for pheo but he wanted to do something he was able to do rather than ordering something--which meant giving me an empty urine jug with no preservative. I've been through this before. He never writes the correct order and the last time I did it, it was rejected by the lab.

    As soon as I stopped shaking enough I looked up the code and it turned out he had ordered a morning metanepherine urine test rather than 24 hour. So I called and had to be pushy and got them to fix it. So I have this jug but based on what I can see the sensitivity of this is very low. He says that it doesn't require preservative and I can see on the LabCorp site for this test that it doesn't require preservative:

    But I still find it suspicious. It also doesn't concurrently measure creatine which I've read is important.

    1. PART 2/2

      To be honest I was more suspicious of thyroid than pheo because of my previous pheo tests being negative.

      But he did not want to pursue that. I had a whole panel of thyroid tests in early 2017 and the only one that was flagged was thyroglobulin which was 36 which is apparently high. But I later read that is normally only tested in people who have had their thyroids removed to make sure no tissue is left. So I'm not sure why it was ordered except that at the time he seemed to order every thyroid test possible--and as I said all were normal but that one.

      I unfortunately do not have an endocrinologist. There is only one in the town I live in and I was referred to her but her office says she only picks people she thinks she can help and based on my referral (which at the time was for low testosterone, low FSH, low LH and pre-diabetes) she said I would be better served by an academic center and she refuses to see me. I am very agoraphobic and have not been able to make it to an academic center.

      I see a psychiatrist every 2 months. Her main goal is slowly tapering my benzodiazepines, which I have a small amount. I've been on them since I was 14 and am now 35. She's very much into alternative treatments so she doesn't like responding when I ask things like whether I could have bipolar--if I do it's not "fun" manic. It's constant headaches, sweating, high blood pressure, high pulse, can't eat, can't sleep well, shaky manic. But I offer it as a possibility because of the huge shift in energy.

      My PCP will ordinarily order tests I ask for, but I think he was so overwhelmed by my chaotic presence at this last appt (my dad was there and said I was like a hurricane). So my PCP is digging his heels in and saying this is the test we're doing--the urine test without preservative. He also said the staff will work on ordering a CT scan for my headaches, but I found that a bit suspicious too since I thought they are usually for emergent situations and not something that has lasted over a month (the headache).

      I know I'm all over the place in this message, but that's because this energy and headache and awful internal feeling have been very difficult to live with.

      If you have any advice to me, I would be so very grateful. Thank you.

      Oh, I thought I would also mention: In Spring 2014 when I lost so much weight, was shaking for months, etc. --I don't remember if I had high BP or pulse at that point, but what eventually seemed to resolve the symptoms --it could be a coincidence--was my psychiatrist reducing my Ativan by 0.5 mg and replacing it with a theoretically equivalent 5 mg Valium. She thought I was in what she calls "tolerance withdrawal"-which is going through the symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal without lowering the dose due to the body having developed tolerance over decades of taking the drug. It wasnt an instant fix, but it was about 3-4 days after I started the Valium that I came back to normal. It was night and day. But earlier this month when I started having this spell it abated without changing meds, and then just now came back again but worse.

      Thank you again.

    2. I made a mistake--did not have metanephrine tested 2014 during the long spring episode--it was in 2016 when I had paroxsymal hypertension and went to ER that was much more short lived.

    3. Dear Marcus,

      You very unlikely have pheo. Your doctors should focus on other diseases that may cause your symptoms.

      Dr. Pheo

  34. My brother's (39yrs) free normetanephrine plasma came positive: 687 pg/ml reference range (<195 pg/ml). No other metanephrine or catecholamine test was done. He has high BP, however with medication now its under control 115/75. Resting HR is 60. He is also diagnosed with anxiety disorder but did not take any meds for it at the time the test He could not even go to the Endo due to the anxiety. He did the test on Cardio's recommendation. His Endocrinologist feels it may be due to stress/anxiety hence will do clonidine suppression test. Due to anxiety my brother could not get the suppression test done for 4 weeks.
    It all started 6 weeks back when he went to ER with 180/100 bp (measured at home), this was because he didnt take any BP meds till that date despite high BP. At hospital his BP was 220/130 due to increased anxiety. We were there for 4 hours meanwhile BP came done to 180/110 in 2 hours and 160/100 in four hours. However we came back at home same day and his BP was 120/80. In our follow ups to the Cardio, his BP was 40/15mm higher at hospital, we measured. In anticipation at home bp will increase from 120/80 to 140/90. Then at clinic it will climb to 185/100. Cardiologist also checked the machine if it reads correctly. No tachycardia. Except past month he is moderately active, walking about 6K daily, running.
    He was under following medication: 1 Azilsartan (40 mg), 2. Nebivolol 5 mg 3. Benidipin 8 mg at the time of test. Test was not done supine and the lab technician did not know how to handle the sample either.
    Currently he also takes 0.5 mg Clonazepam for anxiety. Cardio changed Nebivolol to 200mg Labetalol twice daily, just in-case. His BP from morning to evening remains 110/70 to 120/80. He is also diagnosed with Anxiety disorder including Agoraphobia. He was extremely anxious during sample collection.
    Could it be a false positive? How risky is clonidine suppression if his BP is low to begin with (say 100/60 and heart rate 65) I hope due to anticipation it rises to 140/90 to begin with.

  35. Hi Dr Pheo, to add further to above, in his Ultrasound of Kidney no adrenal mass was seen. There were a few cysts in urinary bladder.

    1. Hi Dr Pheo,
      Redid the test this time..normetanephrine free plasma 53.2pg/ml ref <196 pg/ml. However sample was collected at home.

  36. Hi Dr. Pheo. I've enjoyed reading your posts regarding pheo, as it is something I have recently undergone testing for. In March 2018 I went to the ER for sudden onset of sinus tachycardia (150s) and my blood pressure was also high, although it came down on its own after an hour or so, and has since been controlled by atenolol. The tachy continued, and really has not subsided since. I'm taking 25mg atenolol for that and other symptoms. I since then have developed new onset headaches (feels like pressure behind my forehead/eyes), as well as fatigue,shortness of breath, chest pain, and blurred vision all of which come and go. I am a 23 yr old female with no other significant medical history.

    I have had a full cardio work up (multiple ecgs, an echo), chest x-ray full bloodwork including a thyroid panel, and plasma metanephrines and urine metanephrines and catecholamines. The only abnormal result in all of this was with my metanephrines. My plasma metanephrines were elevated 1.5x the normal reference range,with normal plasma normetanephrines. The urine mets could not be completed due to some sort of analytical interference as reported by the lab. But urine catecholamines were normal, with urine epi being below reportable range.

    I understand that this is within the possible false positive range. My doctor(cardiologist who ordered the metanephrines and catecholamines) wants to just refer me to an endocrinologist (3 month wait for appt!!) rather than repeating testing. I was taking atenolol at the time of testing, but had refrained from caffeine for 24 hrs before the urine and plasma collections.

    I've been reading some papers about pheo, and read one that suggested that with metanephrines in the false positive range, a high ratio of metanephrine to epinephrine or of normetanephrine to norepinephrine is suggestive of pheo. Have you found this to be true?

    Additionally, I have been trying to figure out what has been triggering "attacks" of these symptoms each afternoon at work, and realized that I have been eating cheese everyday at lunch. Could this be provoking an attack if it is pheo?

    Thanks so much!

  37. HI Dr. Pheo,

    I am taking the 24 hour urine test this Sunday-Monday to rule out a pheo. My symptoms are that I presented with HBP 193/113 about three weeks ago. I have had multiple pituitary issues since 1991, prolactinoma and now suffer from growth hormone deficiency. I was prescribed BP meds at the ER, but could not get the HBP under control so I was prescribed a diuretic as well. This lowered the BP, but continue to have periodical spikes (nothing over 150/100) and what feels like panic attacks. Also, my mother had a pheo, was asymptomatic, they found it on an MRI for lower lumbar issues. My cortisol is in the normal range but on the very low end of normal and my TSH, at the ER was elevated. T3 and T4 usually present on the lower end of normal, IGF was at 85 and I failed the glucagon test. My question for you...if I do not have a pheo, any idea of what direction I should go in...I am thinking sleep apnea, but I was just wondering if any of the above information make anything jump out at you. I am a migraine sufferer, and am extremely fatigued almost all of the time. Thank you for your time!

  38. Hi drpheo
    I am a37 year old lady from india. I have vililogo n hypothyroid from last 17 years. From last 17years i have sinus tachycardia. Done ecg, echo nothing wrong. Dr. Prescribed anxiety medicine but not feeling well. TestedTplasma freefmeteprinine_ 101
    Positive but 24 hours urine analysis is negative. Done mibg and plain cT shows a small suspicious area in left adernal gland but mri found nothing . My only symptom is high heart rate from last 17years. Whatto do pl guide
